Add, Import, Merge and Export Contacts
You can add contacts through the Contacts Page and enter all of the individual's information manually. Or, you can import multiple contacts using Excel or vCard. You can also export contacts lists in .csv format.

- Click Menu in the top left corner > Contacts
Select Add Contact.
- Choose Contact by Manual Input.
- Complete the form and click Continue.
- Review the information, then click Ok.
- You can return to a previous step by clicking Back or click Contacts from the breadcrumbs menu in the top left corner to return back to the Contacts page.
Learn about Add, Import, Merge and Export Contacts at IBKR Campus

- Create a Microsoft Excel file containing all of your contact information. The file should include the following for each contact:
- Salutation (Mr., Mrs. or Ms.)
- First, middle and last name
- Gender (Female or Male)
- Date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY format)
- Marital Status (Unknown, Single, Married, Divorced, Widow)
- Number of Dependents
- Legal Residence, including Street (two lines, one for street address, the other for apartment number), City, Country, Country of Citizenship, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code
- Contact Information, including Home, Work and Mobile Phone, Fax and Email
- Employment Information, including status (Employed, Unemployed, Retired or Self-Employed), Name and Business of Employer, Employer Work Phone and Employer Address (including Suite on the second address line)
On the contact file import screen, there is a link to download a sample Excel file that include all of the information you need to create your own file in Microsoft Excel.
- Click Menu in the top left corner > Contacts
- Select Add Contact.
- Choose one of the following:
- Contact by Excel File
- Contact by vCard File
- If necessary, click the link to download the sample Excel file.
- Click the Choose A File button to locate and select your file on your computer.
- Click Upload File.
Your contacts will now be stored in Portal as individual records.
Learn about Add, Import, Merge and Export Contacts at IBKR Campus.

Merge Contacts allows you to merge prospect and client contacts.
Click Menu in the top left corner > Contacts
Click the Merge icon in the top right corner
Select the check box’s to the left of the two contacts to merge (only two can be merged at a time).
You can merge:
Two contacts that are not associated with a client account
An unassociated contact with an associated contact
You cannot merge one associated account with another
Once you have selected two contacts, click the Merge Contacts' button at the bottom of the table.
If two contacts that are not associated with client accounts are selected, you will be prompted to select the contact you wish to retain.
If one of the contacts is associated with a client account(s) and one is not, the contact associated with a client account(s) will be retained.
Click Merge Contacts to merge the contacts.
The Merge History panel will appear, showing a list of contacts that have been merged with other contacts. If you do not wish to merge any contacts, click the Merge Contacts icon again to hide the check boxes.

- Click Menu in the top left corner > Contacts
- Click the Download icon in the top right corner
- Click Contact Summary to CSV
- View contact information for entries in the CRM
- If the contact has an account with IBKR, the file will include the status, IBKR account number, NAV, Daily PnL, and YTD PnL
- Choose one of the following:
- Open the file with Microsoft Excel or choose another program
- Save the file
- Click OK

- Click Menu in the top left corner > Contacts
Click the Download icon in the top right corner
- Click Contact Application Tasks to CSV
- View registration tasks for accounts that are pending
- This includes status’ of documents to be sent (ie. Proof of ID, Proof of Address, EDD)
The export file will include 2 Sheets:
Online task to be completed: Status of application asks by account (includes EDD tasks)
Documents to be sent: Status of documents that are required for approval (Includes POI and POA documents)
- Choose one of the following:
- Open the file with Microsoft Excel or choose another program.
- Save the file.
- Click OK

Note: This option is only available when the account is enrolled in the Secure Login System with a permanent device. Click here for more information.
- Click Menu in the top left corner > Contacts
- Click the Download icon in the top right corner
- Click Client Data to Excel.
- Name the file and then click Save.