Create Additional Account


US based Advisors can create additional accounts of different types for US based clients from either an existing client account or from an unapproved application. This process reuses the information on an existing application and applies it to the new application. Advisors will only be required to provide the additional information needed to complete the new application. Each account created will generate a separate PDF which will need to be signed by the client and submitted for processing.

As an example, Advisors who complete an individual application for a client can use this feature to create a linked joint application for the same client. On the new joint application, the advisor would only need to input information for the additional joint holder as we would use information from the individual application for the primary holder.

The following account types are eligible to use this process:

  • IRA

  • Joint

  • Individual

Accounts will be created with the following characteristics:

  • Clients will be able to access all linked accounts in Portal using a single user name.

  • Advisors can create multiple linked accounts for their clients.

  • Once linked accounts have been created, clients can perform any action such as modify trading permissions or transfer funds for a specific linked account.

  • Linked accounts must be separately funded. Internal transfers of funds are not allowed between different account types.

To Create an Additional Account:

  1. Complete an application for a new client or select an existing client.

  2. Click Menu in the top left corner > Contacts & Accounts. Search for the newly created account or existing client and click on the client's name.

    Image of the create additional account panel in portal.

  3. Under the Client Configuration page on the right hand side, select Create Additional Account

    Image of the create additional account details panel in portal.

  4. You will be presented with the below window.

    You can have your clients with open IB Accounts use Docusign to create additional accounts. For more information on this feature, click here.

    Image of the create additional client account panel in portal.


Additional Resources

Learn About Contacts in Advisor Portal at IBKR Campus

Visit the IBKR Advisor Portal Website