Commentary Generator


Use generative AI to automatically create monthly reports for clients that summarize their latest portfolio performance and ticker-specific news from Benzinga, Traders' Insight, the Fed's Beige Book, and more.

The AI combs through dozens of sources and cites them for your convenience, saving you time and allowing you to complete research that would otherwise take hours in seconds. Edit the text as needed, then download a PDF for easy distribution.

To navigate to this tool, please take the steps outlined below.

  1. Click Menu in the top left corner > Administration & Tools > Commentary Generator.

    Image of the commentary generator option in advisor portal.

  2. The FA Commentary Generator Agreement will populate on your screen. After reading this agreement, select Agree.

    Image of the FA commentary generator agreement popup in advisor portal.

  3. Select an Account from the drop-down menu on the left-hand side and select Generate.

    Image of the commentary generator select account dropdown in advisor portal.

  4. The Commentary Generator is comprised of 4 sections.

  5. Select the Confirm and adopt the content of this section toggle button to save this information to the report. Please note, you must confirm and adopt the content of each section before you can download the FA Commentary Report.

  6. Select the Preview button to view a preview of the PDF report.

    Image of the commentary generator preview in advisor portal.

  7. Select Download Your FA Commentary Report button to save as a PDF and print / distribute.

    Image of the download your FA commentary report button in advisor portal.

  8. This report will automatically populate in the downloads section of your web browser.


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