Edit a Questionnaire


You can edit a questionnaire from the Advisor Portal at any time. Once you start editing, be sure to save. Before you can distribute the new version of the questionnaire, you must select the blue Make Active button.

Note: Depending on the edits you make to a questionnaire, using the Make Active command to make an edited questionnaire distributable to clients may result in current risk scores from clients (who have already submitted responses) being deleted. Please consider the following before you edit.

Edit a Questionnaire

  1. Click Menu in the top left corner > Administration & Tools > Risk Scores

  2. The current questionnaire will populate on your screen. Select the blue Edit button in the bottom right corner.

    Image of the risk scores edit questionnaire panel in portal.

  3. Add, remove, or rearrange the questions as needed.

  4. To the left of the question, click the down arrow icon to expand a question and change the score values.

  5. Click Save followed by Make Active to activate the edited questionnaire and distribute to clients

Risk Scores Deleted:

  • If you add questions to the questionnaire, existing risk scores for clients who took the original version will be deleted. You will need to ask these clients to take the questionnaire again to calculate their risk scores.

    • Exception: In cases where you edited a questionnaire multiple times by removing and adding back questions that clients have already responded to, we can recalculate client risk scores.

Risk Scores Recalculated:

  • If you remove questions from the questionnaire, existing risk scores for clients who took the original version will be recalculated

No Change to "FA Override" Risk Scores:

  • In any of the above cases, Advisors who enter client risk scores (in the FA Override column) will be saved, regardless of whether or not a client has submitted a previous questionnaire response.


Additional Resources

Learn About Advisor Portal at IBKR Campus

Visit the IBKR Advisor Portal Website

Log in to Risk Scores