Other Reports
Click Performance & Reports followed by Other Reports
Alternatively, click Menu in the top left corner > Reporting > Other Reports
The Other Reports page gives you access to the following reports:
Risk Reports
- Margin Reports - View your margin requirements for all open single and combination positions.
- Stress Test Reports - View the change in the Profit and Loss (PNL) of your positions if the underlying price of each of your positions declines and increases by predetermined percentages.
- Value At Risk Reports - View an estimate of how much your portfolio may lose due to market movements for a particular time horizon and for a given confidence level (probability of occurrence).
Supplemental Reports
- Account Confirmation Letter - Provides a digital letter that confirms your account credentials and information.
- Tax Lot Holding Period Change - Determines when your short term positions become long term.
- Transaction Cost Analysis - A dynamic and interactive analysis of your trades marked to various benchmarks grouped in different categories or on a per-order basis.
Additional Resources
Learn About Reporting in Advisor Portal at IBKR Campus