Allocation Groups


Advisors now have the ability to trade in the Portal using Allocation Groups. Groups created in either platform can be used on the other (Portal Allocation Groups can be seen and used in TWS).

To Create an Allocation Group, please take the steps outlined below.

  1. Click the Trade tab followed by Allocation Groups.
    • Alternatively, click Menu in the top left corner > Trade > Allocation Groups.

    Image of the allocation groups panel in portal.

  2. Select the + New Group button in the top right hand corner.
  3. Enter a Group Name, select the Allocation Method, and add the client accounts that you'd like included in this group by clicking the green + icon to the left of the account numbers.

    Image of the create allocation group panel in portal.

  4. Press Save when the required information has been entered. You will now see this group listed under your Allocations Groups. You may press Edit or + New Group when needed.

    Image of the allocation groups list in portal.

  5. Advisors may additionally create Allocation Groups directly from the Order Ticket by selecting the Image of the create allocation groups icon in portal. icon.

    Image of the allocation groups order ticket in portal.

  6. Groups created in the Portal can be accessed and used in TWS, and vise versa.

    Image of the allocation groups in Trader Workstation.

    Image of the allocation groups in Portal.


Additional Resources

Learn About Allocation Groups at IBKR Campus

Learn About Trading in the Portal at IBKR Campus

Visit the IBKR Advisor Portal Website