Scan a Check
You can deposit checks directly into your IBKR account using Mobile Check Deposit. In the Deposit Funds page you can select how you would like to make your deposit. Clients can deposit checks directly into your IBKR account using Mobile Check Deposit.
To scan a check:
Tap the Account menu icon (head and shoulders) in the top left corner of the app.
Tap the Deposit Funds button.
Select Deposit Check.
In the Deposit To field, select the appropriate account if you hold multiple accounts
In the Amount field, enter the amount of the check
Tap “Front” and position the field over the front of the check until the check scans
Tap “Back” and position the field over the back of the endorsed check until the check scans
Tap “Deposit Check” when complete
To be eligible to deposit a check using IBKR Mobile Check Deposit:
You must be an IBLLC-US client
The check must be drawn on a US bank
The check must be “Payable To” the customer
It cannot be the first deposit into a new account
The check must be properly endorsed (on the back). To avoid potential delays, endorse with "For mobile deposit only UMB Bank FFC IBKR and sign your name"
All handwriting must be clear and readable
Check amount cannot be more than the mobile deposit limit: $10K per day & $50K per month
The date on the check must be within the 90-day window
The date on the check cannot be “future-dated”
You must have IBKR Mobile Authentication (IB Key) installed on your mobile device
Acceptable/Unaceptable Check Types
If you are unable to send a wire transfer, we will accept bank checks made payable to Interactive Brokers LLC (denominated in US dollars only) or personal checks made payable to Interactive Brokers LLC (denominated in US dollars and from a US bank account). Checks will not be accepted unless they include your account name and account number.
If you fund your account with a bank check, the check must state one of the following descriptions for us to properly identify the check as a bank check:
Treasurer's Check
Cashier's Check
Teller's Check
Banker's Check
Official Check
If your bank check does not have one of the above titles stated on the check, or if your check is issued by a credit union or bill payment service, Interactive Brokers will book the funds according to our personal check policy.
Note: There is a 6-day hold period for Mobile Check Deposits. The hold period will begin the same day as the deposit if the mobile check deposit is received by 5pm EST.
IRA accounts are restricted from using the Mobile Check Deposit function. -
Additional Resources
Learn About Funding in the Portal at IBKR Campus
Visit the IBKR Advisor Portal Website