Scan a Check


You can deposit checks directly into your IBKR account using Mobile Check Deposit. In the Deposit Funds page you can select how you would like to make your deposit. Clients can deposit checks directly into your IBKR account using Mobile Check Deposit.

To scan a check:
  1. Tap the Account menu icon (head and shoulders) in the top left corner of the app.

  2. Tap the Deposit Funds button.

    The account menu deppsit funds button.

  3. Select Deposit Check.

    The deposit check option

  4. In the Deposit To field, select the appropriate account if you hold multiple accounts

  5. In the Amount field, enter the amount of the check

  6. Tap “Front” and position the field over the front of the check until the check scans

  7. Tap “Back” and position the field over the back of the endorsed check until the check scans

  8. Tap “Deposit Check” when complete

    Scan the front and back of the check to deposit.


Additional Resources

Learn About Funding in the Portal at IBKR Campus

Visit the IBKR Advisor Portal Website

Visit the Fund Your Account IBKR Website

Log in to Transfer Funds