User Access Rights Definitions

Email Address - Grants the ability to change the email address associated with the user name. This is a default setting and it cannot be removed.
Alerts - Receive account related messages via SMS or email regarding changes or actions which need to be taken on the account.
IB FYI - Receive sub account notifications regarding a client's portfolio. For example, a corporate action or a notification of upcoming options expiration.
Password - Change the password associated with the user name. This is a default setting and cannot be removed. .
Voting Subscription - Sign up and participate in online voting forums such as the IBKR Features Poll.
IP Restrictions - Restricts a user from having access to the Trader Workstation from a specific IP address.
Security Device Sharing - Share the physical security device with a second user assigned to the same individual. Both users must have the same name, address, and identification credentials.
Security Device - Ability to enroll in the secure login program; also known as two factor authentication.
Trading Platforms
Paper Trading - Ability to create a paper trading account. Please note only one paper account is allowed per live account.
Market Data - Ability to subscribe to market data.
Subscriber Status - Grants the ability to toggle between professional or non-professional for market data purposes.

Trade Button and TWS
Trade Button & TWS - Access to log into the trading tools and platforms, including IBKR Mobile, Trader Worksation, and the Trade Button.
Post Trade Allocations - User has access to allocate some or all of the trades to their clearing broker.
Note: This option is for IBKR Prime accounts only.
Trading Limit - Limits the amount a user can trade.
Note: This option is for proprietary trading group master accounts.

Activity Downloads - Download account information in a file format to be read by third party vendors such as Quicken, Microsoft Money, and GainsKeeper.
Activity Flex Queries - Ability to create and customize high-level reports specifically formatted as CSV, Text, or XML files. .
Activity Statements - Ability to view and create statements over a specified period; formats including PDF, CSV, and HTML.
Trade Confirmation Reports - Ability to create a report specifically geared towards trades. This report can be created intraday unlike Activity Statements. .
Trade Confirmation Flex Queries - Ability to create and customize high level trade confirmation reports specifically formatted as CSV, Text, or XML files.
Quarterly Summaries - Allows the user the ability to view the quarterly report for a specific client. This is the electronic copy of the Quarterly Statement that was sent through the mail. The quarterly Statement is typically mailed out the third week after the previous quarter's end.
Flex Web Services - The Flex Web Service allows you to access your pre-configured flex queries via HTTPS protocol without logging into the Portal.
Other Reports:
Advisor Broker Summaries - View daily client summaries of all accounts and a daily net asset value on all the accounts.
Advisor Fee Capabilities - Allows a user to generate a report that displays the amount of fees an advisor can charge a client, up to a maximum of 25% of the client’s average equity in a given year.
Margin Reports - View the margin requirements for all open and single combination positions.
Stress Test Reports - See the change in the profit and loss if the underlying price of each of your positions declines or increases by 3, 5, 10, 20, and 30%. View positions by a specified period to analyze how volatile they are.
Value At Risk Report - View the greatest loss a portfolio will sustain over a one day period with either 95% - 99.5% confidence.
Transaction Cost Analysis - Generate a report to track the quality of order transaction prices vs market conditions at the time the orders were submitted or after the trade execute.
Delivery Settings For All Reports - Gives the user the ability to configure report settings.
SMS Alerts - Receive trading alerts via SMS message.
PortfolioAnalyst - View a specific client's portfolio or a group of client's overall health of their account.
External Accounts - Provides the user access to link and view external accounts from other brokers, banks, and credit unions.
Position Transfer Basis - Ability to view and adjust the cost basis information on a position transfer into the IBKR account.
Tax Optimizer - Adjust tax lots on a client account and adjust the match method for closing orders.
Tax Forms - View and download client tax forms.

Transfer Funds
Deposits - Ability to create deposit notifications on behalf of a client. Methods include ACH, Wire, Check, and Bill Pay.
Withdrawals - Submit cash withdrawals. Methods include ACH, Wire, Check, and Bill Pay.
No Authorization Rights: A/B Authorizers will not be used
Primary Authorization: Means the primary user has to authorize the request once the user places it.
Secondary: Means the security officer has to approve the withdrawal request.
Internal Fund Transfers - Ability to transfer funds between eligible, matching client accounts
Note: The client accounts must be linked or have the same tax ID.
Recurring Transactions - Create a recurring transaction on the account.
Transfer Positions
Position Transfers - Submit position transfer on behalf of the client.
Saved Information
Bank Information - Save banking instructions on the master account.
Transaction History
Transaction History - View a history of cash deposits, withdrawals, and position transfers. This page will also display the status of pending transactions.

Account Configuration
- Investors' Marketplace - Investment Access - Grants a user full access to the Investors' Marketplace including access to the Advisor, Broker, and Hedge Fund Marketplace.
- Trading Restrictions - Gives the user the ability to use the pre-trade compliance tool.
- Advisor Qualifications - Allows users under a Registered Advisor to set up more advanced trading permissions for their client accounts such as qualifications for securities, commodities (futures), forex and crypto.
- Broker Declaration - Modify and edit licensing information for a specific user on the master account.
- Account Details - View basic account information such as phone number, primary email, address, and account opening dates.
- Account Alias - View and change the Alias for the master account only. An Alias is a nickname you set on the account and replace the account ID in various locations throughout the Portal. ie UXXXXXX "Financial Institution LLC"
- Base Currency - View & change the base currency on the master account.
- Close Account - Ability to close the master account.
- Pricing Structure - Adjust the pricing structure on the account. Options include fixed and tiered.
- Traders - The Traders access rights is used to do the following:
- To determine whether adding an authorized trader is allowed.
- To determine whether master user can configure trading limits for their client.
- Link Existing Accounts - An Advisor/Broker user can link existing client accounts in the “Groups” section in Portal. They can consolidate clients who have multiple accounts into a single username and password, however, the account information must match.
- Audit Trail - Ability to review all the changes made on an account over the life of the account. For example, fee schedule, phone number, individual information, etc.
- Soft Dollar -This feature allows the Advisor users to enable the Soft Dollars configuration and charge different tiers.
- Households - Consolidate reporting and offer a primary head of household the ability to view reports of accounts in the same family.
- Investors' Marketplace - The user can click on investors marketplace and they can start looking for any vendors (lawyers, tax experts, etc). This allows the user to find and contact the person who is offering their services.
Compliance Officer - This feature is the role that allows a user to view the User & Access Rights menu. Security Officers will have the User & Access Rights menu to add new users, modify existing users, and approve new ones.
Profile - Ability to view account owners, signatory modify the information of each.
Tax Forms - Pull and generate tax forms for the broker account. This one permission is specific to the master account.
Financial Information
Financial Information - View experience, net liquidation, net worth, net income, etc. on the master account.
Trading Permissions
Trading Permissions - Update the asset classes and regions the account can trade in.

Client Security
Client Security - This is the Broker Client security tool (BCST) – Gives the user the ability to reset passwords and assign a two factor temporary code for the client.
Note: Additional information can be found in Portal.
Client Management
RMD Calculator - This tool allows the user to calculate the client’s RMD and helps to inform a client what they need to withdraw.
ESG IMPACT Preferences - Gives access to the client’s ESG IMPACT Preferences.
Account Data Queries - Gives a user the ability to access this tool to run additional reports based on performance, symbol, transaction count and RMD Calculator.
Add Client Accounts - Gives the user the ability to do the application for a client (fully electronic & semi electronic)
Client Configuration Templates - Allows the user to pre-populate the client's information on an application. When the client receives the application fields such as trading permissions, base currency, and account type are already selected.
Client Fee Setup - View and edit the fee administration menu which is where you can add, view, and change client fees on an account.
Account Information - Gives the user the ability to view the contacts tab when they log into Portal.
White Branding Configuration - This tool allows a user to display the firm’s logo and company name on statements, invitations, and the Portal login. The Advisor/Broker user will have the ability to update the white branding information. This feature is only available for Professional and Registered Advisors.
Advisor Invoicing - Access to a custom fee system where the master account determines a maximum billable amount per month or quarter. Once enabled, the master account may electronically debit the client account.
CAM - Grant a client the permission to use the Client Activity Monitor tool. Please contact client services for more information.
Client Approvals - Grants the user the ability to accept or decline a client application before submitting to IBKR Compliance.
CRM - This gives the user the access to the Client Relationship Management system which includes tools such as Contacts, Groups, Calendar.
Subscribe To Money Manager - The user has the ability to link a client to a money manager who will do the trading on behalf of the client. Additionally, the user is able to link a client to a money manager.
Accept Linkage Requests - Approve outside retail accounts' requests to be managed by the Broker or Financial Advisor.
Goal Tracker - This gives the user the ability to assign tasks for other people on the master account level.
Client Data Queries - Generate a condensed summary of client performance.
Risk Scores - Allows the user to set up risk related questions for their clients. The user can assign the questionnaire to a client, create a new questionnaire, and modify a current questionnaire and then access the results.
Additional Resources
Learn About Users & User Roles at IBKR Campus
Learn About Users & User Roles for Advisors at IBKR Campus