SMS Address


This page lets you enable delivery of alerts via SMS (Short Message Service) on your mobile device. Once you set up an SMS Address, you can select it as your default destination for alert notifications.

To configure your SMS address

  1. Click Settings > Communication > SMS Address.

    Image of the configure SMS alerts panel in Portal.

  2. Enter your SMS address; your SMS address is the email address associated with your cell phone and is determined using your mobile phone number and mobile service provider.

    • For example, if your mobile phone number is 555-123-4567 and your mobile service provider is AT&T, your SMS address would be For non-US residents, the address must begin with your country code.

    • Enter and re-enter your SMS address in the fields provided, and then Continue.

      Image of the enter SMS address panel in Portal.

  3. A verification code will be sent via SMS; once you receive the code enter the code on the Verify Token box and click Continue.

    Image of the confirm pending SMS address panel in Portal.

  4. Once verified you have the option to enable or disable SMS statement delivery.

    Image of the configure delivery settings in Portal.


Additional Resources

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