Extended Trading Access
Enable PIN or pattern security on your device to enjoy secure trading for up to 12 hours once you log in, using only your PIN or pattern to re-authenticate. For secure trading for up to 30 hours, enable Unlock with fingerprint on your device. Once enabled, you are automatically enrolled for TWS Touch ID authentication. This means that once you log in, you are able to securely re-access your trading session for up to 30 hours, using just your fingerprint as authentication.
If your fingerprint authentication fails or if you tap “Cancel,” you will be logged in to read-only mode (if enabled). After 30 hours without using fingerprint authentication, you will be required to complete the full login process.
Additionally, all sessions are disconnected each Sunday at 1:00 AM local time and will require you to complete the full login process. This means that if you access IBKR Mobile every 30 hours or less, you can maintain your trading access for the entire week.
If you do not want to enable fingerprint security and prefer to complete the full login process each time, disable Auto-reconnect in IBKR Mobile Configuration.