Application XML Summary

Here is a summary of the steps required to complete the Application XML process. Read this section if you would like to familiarize yourself with the overall process before you begin.

You can skip this section and go directly to the detailed steps in How to Set Up Application XML if you prefer.

  1. Send a request to implement Application XML to

  2. We will send you our XML Agreement. Sign and send the agreement back to us at the email provided above. We will submit it to our Compliance Department for approval, which typically can take 3-5 days. Once you are approved, we will email you with details about our secure FTP site.

  3. Once approved, we will send you the supporting documents and IB hosted FTP details via email, and then you can build your user interface to collect client data and sign agreements, and then prepare XML files with sample data for testing.

  4. You will collect all general data about your client applicants, including name, address, employment and other information, and get those applicants to sign Interactive Brokers’ agreements and disclosures on your own website. Use the XML Samples as models for the XML files that you send us, or use the All-In-One zip file, which includes both an example XML file and signed agreements and disclosures.

  5. You will work with the sales engineering team to test the process.

  6. Upload all applicant data, funding notifications and electronic signatures in XML files along with copies of the required PDF forms in an encrypted zip file to the secure FTP site.

  7. We retrieve and process the files and then post encrypted response XML files to the secure FTP site. The response files will have a status of Success or Error. You correct any errors and then resubmit the corrected XML files to the secure FTP site.

  8. If no additional documentation is needed, the account will be submitted for approval.

  9. As Advisor or Broker, you are responsible for providing the account numbers, usernames and temporary passwords to your clients.

  10. Each client must log in to reset his or her password to access Portal once his or her client account has been approved and opened.

Temporary passwords do not expire; however, all clients MUST reset their temporary passwords upon logging in for the first time.