The Reports tab in PortfolioAnalyst allows investors to run default reports and create customized reports that evaluate the portfolio performance. Investors may also set up reports’ delivery for specified accounts.
To navigate here, please click the Reports tab across the top of the PortfolioAnalyst screen.
Snapshot and Detailed Reports
PortfolioAnalyst reports can be one of these report types:
Report Type | Output Type | Description |
Snapshot | A one-page summary of your account's return, NAV, asset allocation and distribution of returns. | |
Detailed | A multiple-page report that includes any combination of specialized individual report pages, including comparisons to industry benchmarks, for a variety of performance analyses. | |
Detailed | CSV | A Detailed report in a comma-separated values (.CSV) file suitable for export into Microsoft Excel or a similar program. |
Report Layout Types
PortfolioAnalyst custom reports can be one of these layout types:
Layout Type | Description |
Non-consolidated | A separate set of data for each account that you have selected in the Account Selector. |
Consolidate Selected | A single set of data from all of the accounts that you have selected in the Account Selector. |
Consolidate All | A consolidated report which includes a single set of data from all accounts. |
Additional Resources
Learn About PortfolioAnalyst Reports at IBKR Campus