Plaid Identity Verification


IBKR may ask you to complete an identity verification through Plaid for an ACH deposit or a Canadian EFT transaction. Once you have set up your ACH deposit, please follow the steps below on proceeding with Plaid verification.

  1. After selecting Link a New Bank Account, you will be prompted to verify your bank via Plaid. Click Connect Account.

    Image of the plaid identity verification panel in Portal.

  2. A pop-up will appear stating "Interactive Brokers uses Plaid to connect your account". Press Continue.

    Image of the plaid connect account panel in Portal.

  3. Select the institution that you would like to use to verify your identity.

  4. Enter your login credentials for the institution and press Submit.

  5. A confirmation screen will populate stating that "Your account has been successfully linked to Interactive Brokers".

    Image of the plaid verification sucess page in portal.

  6. Press Continue to finish linking your account. You may then make a deposit.


Additional Resources

Learn About Funding in the Portal at IBKR Campus

Visit the IBKR Broker Portal Website

Visit the Fund Your Account IBKR Website

Log in to Transfer Funds