Cryptocurrencies Trading Permission


Before you can trade Cryptocurrencies, you need to request "Cryptocurrencies" trading permissions. To do so, please take the steps outlined below.

  1. Click the User menu (head and shoulders icon in the top right corner) > Settings > Trading > Trading Permissions.

  2. The Trading Permissions panel displays your current trading permissions. Select Add/Edit under Cryptocurrencies.

    The cryptocurrencies trading permissions button in client portal.

  3. If applicable, review the Crypto Provider's Customer Agreement, type your name in the box that reads Sign Here, then click Continue.

  4. Read and acknowledge the legal documents and disclosures by clicking each link. After reading through each document, type your name in the box that reads Sign Here, then click Continue.

    The review page for trading permissions and experience changes in client portal.

  5. Trading permissions may take up to 24 hours to be approved.

    The confirmation page for trading permissions


Additional Resources

Learn About Trading Permissions at IBKR Campus

Learn About the Client Portal Interface at IBKR Campus

Visit the IBKR Client Portal Website

Log in to Trading Experience & Permissions