Enter an ATON Position Transfer


A full ATON transfer moves all of your assets from a third-party Canadian broker to your IBKR account. A partial ATON transfer moves only those assets that you select.

If you want to use your third-party broker for an ATON transfer AND save it in our system for future use, you must complete two tasks:

  • Initiate a new ATON transfer, but choose to save the new broker information. No transfer is performed in this step.
  • Initiate a new ATON transfer using the saved broker information. This is where you select the assets to transfer.

Note: You cannot simultaneously save new broker information and perform a transfer. The transfer must either be performed without saving the broker information, or the transfer must be performed after the broker information is saved.


Additional Resources

Learn About Position Transfers in the Portal at IBKR Campus

Visit the IBKR Client Portal Website

Visit the Fund Your Account IBKR Website

Log in to Transfer Positions