Transfer Funds Between Accounts


The Fund Transfers page lets you transfer funds internally from your account or an internal fund transfer to another IBKR account.

Enter an Internal Funds Transfer
  1. Click Transfer & Pay > Transfer Funds

    • Alternatively, click Menu in the top left corner > Transfer & Pay > Transfer Funds

  2. The Account Selector opens. Select the account you want to use for this transaction, or use the search function in the Account Selector to find the desired account. Click continue to submit your account selection and close the Account Selector.

  3. From the tab menu options select Transfer Funds Between Accounts

  4. Select the destination account, then click Continue.

  5. In the Transaction Information section, select the currency and enter the amount to transfer.

  6. Click Continue.

    Note: Click Cancel at any time to cancel the transaction.

  7. If prompted, enter your user name and password.

  8. You will immediately receive an email notification containing a confirmation number. Enter the confirmation number where indicated on the Internal Funds Transfer page, then click Confirm.

  9. If you did not receive a confirmation number, click Resend Confirmation Number to receive a new one.

Associate Accounts for Internal Transfers

In cases where you are not seeing the destination account populating in the drop-down list, you may request a new Transfer Association. To do so, please take the steps outlined below.

  1. Click Transfer & Pay > Transfer Funds

    • Alternatively, click Menu in the top left corner > Transfer & Pay > Transfer Funds

  2. The Account Selector opens. Select the account you want to use for this transaction, or use the search function in the Account Selector to find the desired account. Click continue to submit your account selection and close the Account Selector.

  3. From the tab menu options select Transfer Funds Between Accounts.

  4. At the bottom of the page, click the here hyperlink where it states "Click here to request a new Transfer Association if you cannot find an account in the destination list."

  5. Enter the Account Number and Reason for the internal transfer. Press Continue.

  6. When prompted confirm your identity by entering your login information along with the two-factor security device; or type the confirmation number we emailed to you and press Continue to save.

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    Note: For more information please see the Two-Factor Authentication Methods page.

  7. You may view this pending request by navigating to Transfer & Pay > Saved Information > Pending section.


Additional Resources

Learn About Funding in the Portal at IBKR Campus

Visit the IBKR Client Portal Website

Visit the Fund Your Account IBKR Website

Log in to Transfer Funds