Create a Holding Restriction

Holding Restrictions check current holdings against one or multiple rules in the restriction. If a holding restriction is violated, a notification is sent. Holding Restrictions trigger notifications only, and do not restrict trading.

To create a holding restriction

  1. From the menu select Restrictions.

  2. In the top right corner of the Restrictions Library click New Restriction.

  3. From the Restriction Method list select Holding Restriction.

  4. Enter a name for the restriction (required).

  5. Optionally enter a description of the restriction, and a message that employees will receive if a holding violation is triggered.

  6. Add one or more rules to define the restriction.

    1. Select Add rule… and choose a rule.

    2. Specify parameters. Note that some rules allow you to apply a List as a shortcut to creating multiple entries.

  7. Holding Restrictions support Issuer of Symbol, Symbol (Underlying), and Product or Security Type rules.

  8. Restriction Type: A holding restriction is always "Notify Only" but you can determine whether the notification goes to compliance users only and to which compliance users.

  9. Exclusions: Optionally apply exclusions to the rule. Available exclusions are based on the selected rules.