Attribution vs. Benchmark


The Attribution vs. Benchmark widget allows investors to compare the portfolio sector allocation and securities selection to a specified benchmark. The Attribution vs. Benchmark widget offers a Cumulative Attribution Effect graph, an Attribution Effect graph, and a Weighting Effect graph.

To navigate to this tool, please take the steps outlined below.

  1. Select Performance & Reports > PortfolioAnalyst > Navigate to the Attribution vs Benchmark widget.

    • Alternatively, click Menu in the top left corner > PortfolioAnalyst > Navigate to the Attribution vs Benchmark widget.

  2. Select the blue arrow icon in the top right corner to view additional details.

    Image of the PortfolioAnalyst attribution panel.

  3. Select the blue configure wheel icon in the top right corner to view Attribution Benchmarks.

    Image of the PortfolioAnalyst attribution widget.

    Image of the PortfolioAnalyst attribution benchmark panel.


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