Key Statistics


The Key Statistic widget allows investors to view the portfolio net asset value (NAV) and return percentage broken down by best, worst, and period, as well as deposits and withdrawals. The Key Statistics widget also provides a graph of the Change in NAV breakdown.

To navigate to this tool, please take the steps outlined below.

  1. Select Performance & Reports > PortfolioAnalyst > Navigate to the Key Statistics widget.

    • Alternatively, click Menu in the top left corner > PortfolioAnalyst > Navigate to the Key Statistics widget.

  2. Select the blue arrow icon in the top right corner to view additional details.

    Image of the PortfolioAnalyst key statistics widget.

  3. A new page will populate with additional information regarding your key statistics.

    Image of the PortfolioAnalyst panel.

    The Change in NAV section shows how your account's NAV (Net Asset Value) changed over the chosen time period.

    • Beginning NAV - Net Asset Value of your portfolio at the start of the period of the report.

    • MTM (Mark-to-Market) - Total Mark-to-Market profit and loss for the period.

    • Deposits & Withdrawals - Deposits and withdrawals made to your portfolio over the period of the report.

    • Dividends - Includes dividends, payments in lieu, withholding taxes and changes in dividend accruals converted to your base currency.

    • Interest - Includes broker interest, bond interest, interest accrued and interest accrual reversals.

    • Fees & Commissions - Amount of fees and commissions for the period.

    • Other - The amount of any other item not included in other items in this section, which includes withholding tax, change in dividend accruals, change in interest accruals, client fees, fees receivables, commission receivables, transaction tax, sales tax, soft dollars, linking adjustments and corporate action proceeds.

    • Ending NAV - The NAV at the end of the period.

    • Change in NAV - The change in NAV for the period.


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