External Accounts
The External Accounts tab in PortfolioAnalsyt lets you add accounts held at any financial institution to PortfolioAnalyst. You can add brokerage, bank and credit card accounts as well as other assets and liabilities and real estate values. Once you have added an account to PortfolioAnalyst, you can view the beginning and ending value of the account and drill down to see positions (in brokerage firms) and transactions. If you have added multiple brokerage accounts, you can drill down to a consolidated view of assets held at all of the accounts.
- Select the Configuration tab across the top of the PortfolioAnalyst screen.
To get started, choose from one of the popular institutions listed or search by typing the name of the institution you would like to add. You can also add an Offline Account in which you obtain this data directly from the financial institution where you hold your account and enter it into IBKR’s systems.
- You will be required to read an External Accounts Disclosure for any of the options listed. Read the disclosure and click Continue.
If you selected from one of the available financial institutions; the next window will prompt you to enter your login credentials for that institution and then click the Continue button.
If you selected an Offline Account you will need to enter the information for that financial institution; you can also upload the data via CSV or enter the transaction information manually and then click the Continue button.
Once successfully added, accounts are listed on the External Accounts page.
Note: External accounts must be added at the client level, and then authorization can be provided for your Advisor or Broker to view. Click here for instructions on granting client authorizations.
You can see your external account data on the PortfolioAnalyst Home tab. External account data is added in real-time.
Add, View, Edit and Delete External Accounts
The External Accounts screen shows all of the external accounts that you have added to PortfolioAnalyst. In addition to using this screen to add new external accounts, you can also edit an existing external account and log in to the financial institution's website for an existing account.

Click the Add (+) icon in the upper right-hand corner of the menu bar.
The Add External Account panel will appear.
Click the account type you would like to add and click Continue.

Click the Info (i) icon to the left of the external account to view account information and to add additional accounts of that type by clicking Add More Accounts. Click the (x) icon to close the window.
To the right of the external account, click the Upload Historical Data (up arrow) icon to either upload historical data via CSV file or enter data manually.
Click the Configure (gear) icon to edit the account information or edit the account data.

Click the Transfer Funds icon to the right of the external account to open the Transfer Funds screen. This screen lets you view your account's funds status and initiate deposits, deposit notifications, withdrawals and internal fund transfers. Simply make your selections and follow the instructions on the screen.

If you have an account under Fiserv, click the Refresh icon on the right side of the account of your choice to refresh the connection to Fiserv.

Click the Delete (x) icon to delete an individual external account. You will be presented with a warning message. Click Yes to delete the account or No to return to keep the account and return to the main page.

Click the Delete All (x) icon in the upper right-hand corner of the menu bar.
You will be presented with a warning message. Click Yes to delete ALL linked external accounts, or Cancel to keep all the accounts and go back to the main page.

Click the Gear icon to the right of the account you want to configure.
You will see two options; Edit Account Info and Edit Account Data
Edit Account Info lets you edit the details of your account.
Edit Account Data lets you edit the data on this account.
Click the account type you would like to add and click Continue.
Additional Resources
Learn About PortfolioAnalyst External Accounts at IBKR Campus