ESG Ratings
The ESG Ratings widget allows investors to view the consolidated Environmental, Social, and Governance ratings of the portfolio. This tool also offers a Controversy Distribution graph, as well as Largest Holdings graph, Top Performers graph, and Bottom Performers graph.
To navigate to this tool, please take the steps outlined below.
Select Performance & Reports > PortfolioAnalyst > Navigate to the ESG Ratings widget.
Alternatively, click Menu in the top left corner > PortfolioAnalyst > Navigate to the ESG Ratings widget.
Select the blue arrow icon in the top right corner to view additional details.
A new page will populate with additional information regarding your ESG preferences.
- ESG Score
- Controversies Score
- ESG Combined Score: ESG combined score is the simple weighted average of all ESG Combined Scores for all companies within the fund based on the reported information in the environmental, social and corporate governance pillars (ESG Score) with an ESG Controversies overlay. Low controversies score indicate the companies within the fund on average have received negative events or there have been new developments from past negative events in the last fiscal year.
- Percentage of companies in this account that have ESG ratings:
- Example 1: Portfolio has 1 IBM stock, 1 IBM option, 1 IBM corp bond = 1 company = 100% of the companies in this account have an ESG rating
- Example 2: Portfolio has 1 IBM stock, 1 IBM option, 1 IBM corp bond, and 1 unknown stock = 2 companies = 50% of the companies in this account have an ESG rating
- Environmental Score
Resource Use Score
Emissions Score
Environmental Innovation Score
- Social Score
- Workforce Score
- Human Rights Score
- Community Score
- Product Responsibility Score
- Governance Score
- Management Score
- Shareholders Score
- CSR Strategy Score
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