Client Portal Web API 2022 Latest Release Notes
September 2022
Hash Id: ed4af2592e9dd4a784d5403843bd18292fd441ea
WebSocket: Changes for TradingView Web API v8.7
Update L2 websocket API to fix NPE on iServer side - iServer Logs 08/17/22: NPE at$4.onOk
Add /auth/status to websocket - add websocket for /iserver/auth/status
Add summary to websocket - Support subscribing to Portfolio Summary via WebSocket
Add ledger to websocket - Ledger WS
Add expiry to LST - Return expires value over LST
Use paper username for FT users in portfolio (Needs oauth server release as well) - Free Trial Account - Update portfolio router
July 2022
Hash Id: ed4af2592e9dd4a784d5403843bd18292fd441ea
- WebSocket: We added new topics for Book Trader (L2) Market data
- Market Data:
- sbd+acctId+conid – Subscribe to Book Trader data
- ubd+acctId – Unsubscribe to Book Trader data
- Market Data:
- POST /iserver/account/{accountId}/orders: We added Trailing Orders, orderType=TRAIL, TRAILLMT.
- Following params added for Trailing Orders:
- trailingType: This is the trailing type for trailing amount. We only support two types here: amt or %.
- trailingAmt: Optional if order is TRAIL or TRAILLMT. When trailingType = amt, this is the trailing amount. When trailingType = %, this means percentage.
- Following params added for Trailing Orders:
Note: No changes to the gateway only backend.
May 2022
Hash Id: ed4af2592e9dd4a784d5403843bd18292fd441ea
- WebSocket: New params for existing topic: str
- Trades:
- str+{ "realtimeUpdatesOnly": true } – Boolean value to receive new trade updates only and no previous trades.
- str+{ "days": 1 } – An integer value representing the number of days needed. 1 represents today to a max of upto 7 can be specified.
- Trades:
- GET /hmds/history: MarketDate (Beta)Endpoint has been updated to query Shortable Stock historical data
- Two new barType:
- Inventory: Full history of shortable stock data
- FeeRate: Fee Rate historical data
- Two new barType:
Note: No changes to the gateway only backend.
August 2020
Hash Id: ed4af2592e9dd4a784d5403843bd18292fd441ea
- GET /iserver/marketdata/history: The format for the payload response has been updated to reflect the raw data returned from iserver, start → startTime, delay → mktDataDelay. Refer to Market Data History for complete details on the response.
- Regional API: We have started to roll out local regional support. Chicago Server will service Canada and South America while NJ Server will service the rest. Each region will be a fall over of the other.
- POST /iserver/account/orders/{faGroup}: The endpoint allows Financial Advisors to place orders to a specified group. FA Groups can be created within the Desktop TWS. Refer to the TWS Users' Guide for details.
- POST /iserver/account/{accountId}/order/{orderId}: No longer required to receive orderId during the current session when modifying an order.
Note: No changes to the gateway only backend.
July 2020
Hash Id: ed4af2592e9dd4a784d5403843bd18292fd441ea
- GET /iserver/marketdata/history: Endpoint has been updated to support outsideRth - boolean. If set to true will include outside of regular trading hours in the payload response for contracts that support it.
- WebSocket: Streaming for market data, orders and pnl have been reformatted as TOPIC+{ARGUMENT}. The first letter determines s=subscribe, u=unsubscribe. Pass an empty argument {} if none is required. For complete details including examples refer to the User's Guide.
- Market Data: Top of the book (level I) data. The 'snapshot' argument is removed. The 'fields' argument is required, refer to Market Data Snapshot for a list of available field values.
- smd+conid+{"fields":[]}
- umd+conid+{}
- Market Data: Top of the book (level I) data. The 'snapshot' argument is removed. The 'fields' argument is required, refer to Market Data Snapshot for a list of available field values.
- Live Orders: Relays back real time updates of your open orders. To receive all open orders for the entire day you can poll the endpoint /iserver/account/orders.
- sor+{}
- uor+{}
- Profit and Loss: Realized and Unrealized Profit and Loss are available real time streaming. Updates can be received as quickly as once per second.
- spl+{}
- upl+{}
- Echo: To maintain an active websocket session it is recommended to send a heartbeat every 10 seconds.
- ech+hb
- Fixes: GET /fyi/unreadnumber: Due to a bug in Chrome that caches headers, the HTTP method has been updated to support both GET and POST.
Note: No changes to the gateway only to the backend.
June 2020
Hash Id: ed4af2592e9dd4a784d5403843bd18292fd441ea
- GET /iserver/marketdata/{conId}/unsubscribe: The endpoint allows the ability to cancel market data for specified conId.
- GET /trsv/stocks: Support has been added to relay back payload for multiple companies who use the same stock symbol.
- Example: A: [{name: "AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC"...}, {name: "AGRONOMIA SPA"...}, {name: "ARMOR MINERALS INC"...}]
- GET /iserver/marketdata/history: Payload response now supports mdAvailability S = Streaming, whereby streaming allows up to 5 concurrent requests.
- POST /iserver/secdef/search: Endpoint has been updated to relay back description = exchange in the payload response.
- POST /tickle: We have added the payload response to also relay back iserver/auth/status.
- Fixes: GET /trsv/stocks search by symbol with spacing updated to relay back exchange.
May 2020
Hash Id: 47d42bed8f3a0a15453dcd10d9accceaf5ece3c1
- May 4: Beta Gateway updated to Latest: With this update legacy /v1/portal or /v1/api can be used to communicate to
April 2020
Hash Id: 859e4e09dd2c1de16ab7333574f08bc46a205960
- New infrastructure: To improve stability the new domain has been created exclusively for traffic for Web API users.
- POST /trsrvr/secdef support { symbols: [] }: Endpoint has been updated to supports payload with multiple symbol request(s). Example: { symbols: [FB, BABA, MSFT] }