Client Portal Web API 2023 Latest Release Notes
October 2023
Endpoint: /one/acesuser
If the IBroker has configured their Broker’s ID, this endpoint will return wbid: “BRKID” for example, which displays a Unique White Branded Identification from the IBroker. If none, it was not configured by the IBroker, wbid will return an empty string.
Endpoint: /iserver/account/orders
For client who submit orders via FIX with their own generated ID or custom order ID, will receive their own id in ticket_id. For those didn't generate their own, ticket_id will be auto-generated.
Endpoint: /portfolio/accounts:
New account properties, for clients with Crypto permissions, added which will return Crypto Provider, PrepaidCrypto-Z (ZEROHASH) or PrepaidCrypto-P (PAXOS)
Endpoint: /user schema: hasBrokerageAccessInd
New property, hasBrokerageAccessInd, which has two possible return value: true or false, to see if a user is connected to a Brokerage Session or not.
Response Example:
{"schema": {
"user": {
"hasBrokerageAccessInd": 1
Three new endpoints /iserver/account/allocation/* to support FA Setup Group Create/Modify/Delete and Allocation Presets
GET /iserver/account/allocation/accounts
POST /iserver/account/allocation/group
PUT /iserver/account/allocation/group
DELETE /iserver/account/allocation/group
GET /iserver/account/allocation/presets
POST /iserver/account/allocation/presets
Two new endpoints /trsrv/event/*
Will return a list of CME events categories, economics events categories.
Details of the binaryoptions
Endpoint: /iserver/auth/ssodh/init
New property that will return the hardware information such as Machine ID and MAC address. Example: hardward_info: “1ab7d23|A2:B1:C3:15:68
Endpoint: /iserver/reply
When the user is prompted with an order question that requires the user to select Accept or Reject, the return response code will return as 200 instead of 500 once a selection is selected, Accept or Reject.
topic sbd+accountId+conid
The FX bid and ask size will return as String with quantity identifier. For example, it previously returned "Ask: 2" for 2000000 and now it will return "Ask: 2M" to show the quantity identifier, 'M'.
topic: smh+conid+{"period":"1d"}
This has been updated to return fractional volume in the "v" volume in data field
April 2023
IBroker accounts query - Dynamic Account
IBroker accounts configured with Dynamic Account (DYNACCT) property need to dynamically query and set specific account number using the below 2 endpoints.
GET {baseURL}/iserver/account/search/{accountId}
Example: GET
POST {baseURL}/iserver/dynaccount?acctId={accountId}
Example: POST
API Document update: Get details of an alert endpoint
GET /iserver/account/alert/{id}?type=Q TACDOC-487 REQUESTED WEBAPI-1029 DONE
Required parameters:
path parameter
id = specify the order_id of the alert
query parameter
type = specify the type of alert query. Value of "Q" must be specified for querying details of an alert.
API Document update: CP WEB API Authentication via DAM TAC
Authentication steps for DAM SSO when using a bearer token to access the CP Web API.
Prerequisite: Client System can only test bearer tokens in a production environment, you will need a prod CSID and can test with an associated paper user.
Validate & Sign: Client Systems will do the following to get a bearer token to access CP WebAPI:
Created the payload like below:
{ “UID”: "<UserID>", IP: "<IP of the user calling CP WebAPI", CONTEXT: "CP_API" } or
{ “COUNTERPARTY”: “<counterparty>”, IP: “<IP of the user calling CP WebAPI", CONTEXT: "CP_API" }
Generate Token:
Encrypt and sign the data above and then do a base64 of that and send as payload below.
Call end point /sso/dam/token
Use Bearer with CP WebAPI:
Base URL:
Prod Environment: /v1/alpi
Client takes the ACCESS_TOKEN and sends to CP WebAPI as Authorization Header in each and every call, example for /portfolio/accounts
CP WebAPI checks if Authorization Header is present. If yes, it should be of format : "Bearer <longJWTokenContainingSSOSession>". It takes the longToken and calls /sso/validate4 as usual. If valid, lets the client continue making other api calls
Validate with CP WebAPI:
Call end point /sso/validate
Tokens are valid up to 60m. Every time /sso/validate is sent it will extend the token session.
March 2023
Hash Id: ed4af2592e9dd4a784d5403843bd18292fd441ea
Custom API
base URL /v1/tvp
TradingView Public Web API Release #1
Support Multiple iServer MD Subscriptions for One Conid
GET /iserver/currency/pairs
Obtains available currency pair info for a specific currency
Query Param:
currency: FX symbol
Ex: GET /iserver/currency/pairs?currency=USD
GET /iserer/exchangerate
Gets the exchange rates of currency pair
Query Params:
source: Target FX symbol
target: Target FX symbol
Ex: GET /iserer/exchangerate?source=AUD&target=USD
February 2023
Hash Id: ed4af2592e9dd4a784d5403843bd18292fd441ea
Use 4 part twsInfo in conf.json for all web api instances
Upgrade to Vert.x 4.3.5
New endpoints
API - will expose user signatures, access rights and account owners.
GET /acesws/{accountId}/signatures-and-owners
Returns a list of account signatories and owners which should be an object. Example: [ {entityType: Individual | Joint | ORG, name: String}, {entityType: ..., name: ...}]