Use IBKR Mobile - IB Key in QR or Challenge-Response mode (if you do not receive the notification)
If no Internet access is available or you have a poor, unstable connection, you may not receive the authentication notification on your phone. In this case, you can use the IB Key in QR or in Challenge-Response mode.
Log in to a Trading Platform or Client Portal:
Enter your username and password
Click Login
A notification will be sent to the mobile phone you registered for two-factor authentication. If you do not receive the notification select Log in with QR Code.
A QR Code will be displayed.
On your mobile phone, launch the "Camera" app and frame the QR code.
The pop-up "Open in IBKR" may appear. If that is the case, tap on it to confirm that operation.
Complete the authentication on the IBKR Mobile - IB Key, by providing the required security element (Fingerprint, FaceID or Device PIN).
Note: The authentication via QR only works if your mobile phone has access to Internet. If that is not the case, proceed with the next steps instead.
Below the QR code, select Login with Challenge/Response.
This will generate a challenge code and display the empty Response field.
Launch IBKR Mobile on your phone and open the IB Key Authentication module.
In the Challenge field above the Generate Response button, enter the Challenge code from your desktop. Tap Generate Response. If required, use your Fingerprint, FaceID, or Device PIN. A Response String will be displayed on your phone.
Back to your desktop, enter the Response String in the Response field and click Login.
Additional Resources
Learn About Two Factor Authentication for iPhone at IBKR Campus
Learn About Two Factor Authentication for Android at IBKR Campus