Advanced Button


The Advanced button is on the Order Entry Panel and is used with Stop Loss, Profit Taker and Bracket Orders, allows you to set up Iceberg, One Cancels Other and Hedge Orders, and lets you apply other advanced order attributes. To use the advanced button:

  1. Navigate to the Order Entry Panel and select the Advanced button.

    The order entry advanced button in TWS.

  2. Select the type of trade you would like to place and enter the order parameters.

    The TWS order entry advanced options.

Use the Advanced Button for:
Feature Instruction


Select a new routing destination.

The order entry advanced menu destination option.

  • Click SMART and choose a destination from the drop-down list.


Create an iceberg order, which displays only a user-specified order size to the market.

The order entry advanced menu iceberg option order.

  • Click in the field and enter a partial quantity of the order. This quantity will be displayed to the market.

Order Reference

Add a reference number that helps you track the order through its lifecycle.

The order entry advanced menu order reference option.

  • Click in the field to make it editable then enter a reference number.

All or None Attribute

Specify that either all of the order executes or none of it executes.

The order entry advanced menu all or none attribute.

  • Check to apply the "All or None" attribute to the order.

Attach a Stop Loss

Attach a Stop Loss order to the original order.

The order entry advanced menu attach a stop loss option.

  • Click "Attach Stop Loss/Profit Taker/Bracket."

  • Check the "Stop Loss" box only.

  • In the STOP field, modify the stop type (stop, stop limit or trailing stop) as needed.

  • In the STP PRC field enter the stop price.

  • In the DAY field modify the time in force as needed.

  • Click "more" to modify the routing destination and/or add an order reference.

Attach a Bracket

Attach a Bracket order to the original order. This brackets the order with two opposite-side orders, and is designed to help limit loss and lock in a profit.

The order entry advanced menu attach a bracket option.

  • Click "Attach Stop Loss/Profit Taker/Bracket."

  • Check "Bracket." The Profit Taker and Stop Loss boxes will be checked automatically.

  • Modify the child orders.

Profit Taker Child

  • Specify Limit or Relative as the opposite-side Profit Taker order type.

  • Enter a limit price. For a relative order, this is the price cap.

  • For relative orders, enter the offset if desired.

  • Specify the time and force and other parameters as needed.

Stop Loss Child

  • In the STOP field, modify the stop type (stop, stop limit or trailing stop) as needed.

  • In the STP PRC field enter the stop price.

  • In the DAY field modify the time in force as needed.

  • Click "more" to modify the routing destination and/or add an order reference.

Attach a Profit Taker

Attach a profit taker child order to the original order. The profit taker is an opposite-side limit or relative order.

The order entry advanced menu attack a profit taker option.

  • Click "Attach Stop Loss/Profit Taker/Bracket."

  • Check the "Profit Taker" box.

  • Specify Limit or Relative as the opposite-side Profit Taker order type.

  • Enter a limit price. For a relative order, this is the price cap.

  • For relative orders, enter the offset if desired.

  • Specify the time and force and other parameters as needed.

One Cancels Other

Include the order in a one-cancels-other order group.

The order entry advanced menu one cancels other option.

  • Click "One Cancels Other" to expand the panel.

  • Change the order side if necessary. By default, the order side is the same as that of the original order.

  • Click "Contract" and enter the underlying.

  • Specify the order type, quantity, price and time in force.

  • To add more orders to the group, click +Add Order and repeat the previous steps.

  • If an order completely fills, other orders in the group are canceled. The On Fill: box instructs TWS what to do if an order in the group is partially filled. Use the drop down selector to choose the action:

  1. Reduce other orders: Reduces the quantity of other orders in the group by the partially filled quantity of the order. Please note that using this option without overfill protection will likely result in multiple orders being routed to an exchange, which may in turn result in an overfill, or in a rejection (e.g. in the case of multiple sell orders where one is tagged as "short sale").

  2. Reduce other orders, overfill protection: Reduces the quantity of other orders in the group by the partially-filled quantity of the order, and specifies that only one order at a time will be submitted to an exchange to avoid multiple orders filling (overfill).

  3. Cancel other orders: Cancels all orders in the group. When selected, "overfill protection" is automatically enabled to prevent an overfill.

Attach Hedging Order

Attach a hedging order to the parent order. Choose from Beta Hedge, FX Order, or Pair Trade hedge. The hedging order will transmit when the parent order fills.

The order entry advanced menu attach hedging order option.

  • Click "Hedge" to expand the panel.

  • In the drop down list, select the hedge type and check the box next to the order type field.

  1. Beta Hedge - specify the hedging contract, the order type (limit, market or relative), the beta (change default beta if required), and the time in force.

  2. FX Order - specify the Forex pair, the order type (limit, market or relative), and the time in force.

  3. Pair Trade - specify the hedging contract, the order type (limit, market relative, or RPI (available if the contract is listed on NYSE), the offset (required for RPI order), the ratio (the original contract is "1" so if you enter "2" the hedging order quantity will be twice that of the original order, or 2:1) and the time in force.

Check Margin

Check the margin requirements for the order before you submit it.

The order entry advanced menu check margin button.

  • Click "Check Margin."


Additional Resources

Learn About Mosaic Order Entry Panel in Trader Workstation at IBKR Campus

Visit the Trader Workstation Website