BookTrader Buttons
Order Type Select Buttons
When you configure the Price Ladder Status Column to Show separate status column for each order from the Settings configuration page, the Order type select buttons function becomes available.
These buttons override the default mouse click functions of BookTrader to create only the order type selected. For example, if you click the LMT order type select button, any mouse click you perform in the price ladder, even a right-click, creates a limit order.
To release the order type function and return to the default click actions, click None.
Basic Buttons Panel
The BookTrader toolbar also includes a basic buttons panel.
Cancel All - cancels all orders on the active BookTrader.
Clear Log - clears all order information from the white log area just above the buttons.
Re-center- click to keep the best bid/ask price or last traded price always visible in the center of the BookTrader screen. Use the Configure menu to elect to have the ladder recenter around the midpoint of the bid/ask, or the last price.
Configure- opens the Configuration dialog box.
Hotkey Details - displays a list of all current hotkeys for BookTrader.
Default size - displays the default order size based on the Preset for the instrument, and allows you to change the default order size for BookTrader orders without re-configuring the Preset.
Deep Book Buttons
Use the Deep Book Buttons to filter out market data from the price ladder. De-select a button to filter out that data.
The Others button includes data from exchanges that don’t offer deep data; Level I data from deep exchanges you have elected to filter out, and Level I data for exchanges that offer deep data but to which you do not subscribe. Hold your mouse over the button to see the exchange’s data included.