Check Risk Pre Order


Before you transmit an order, use the Check Risk feature to get a quick idea of how transmitting the order might affect your portfolio-relative P&L.

To check risk on an order, please take the steps outlined below.

  1. From an order line (a queued up order) right-click and select Check Risk

    You may need to select the gray arrow button at the bottom of the pop-up to expand the options and view Check Risk.

    The check risk menu in TWS.

  2. The Risk NavigatorSM Portfolio Relative P&L chart displays both the current and potential P&L for your portfolio. You can also create and check risk on multiple orders.

    The check risk navigator in TWS.

    1 - Click to open a What If portfolio for more details. What if well open Order Only or With Portfolio based on your selection.

To check risk on multiple orders, please take the steps outlined below.

  1. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on each non-submitted order you want to include in the Check Risk P&L.

  2. From the Trade menu, select Check Risk.

The Risk Navigator’s Portfolio Relative P&L displays two lines: the red solid line shows your current portfolio relative P&L for all positions, and the blue dashed line shows the ‘what-if’ Portfolio Relative P&L including the order(s) you are considering.

You can also elect to use the Date Scenario, which shows the current portfolio P&L and the ‘what-if’ portfolio P&L at the selected Last Trading Day.

If you check the risk on a potential order for a contract in which you hold no current position, the number of ‘what-if’ positions will increase. If you check the risk on an order for a contract in which you currently hold a position, the ‘what-if’ position will not change, but the risk will increase or decrease the current position and still be reflected in the blue dashed line.

To view a complete What-If scenario in Risk Navigator comprised of all current positions plus whatever trades you are considering, ensure that "With Portfolio" is selected, and then click the View Details button in the top left corner.


Additional Resources

Learn About Risk Navigator Tool in Trader Workstation at IBKR Campus

Visit the Trader Workstation Website