Color Grouping Linked Panels


You may assign mosaic panels or tools to a "color group" to link instrument selection actions. Therefore, when an instrument is selected in one panel, it will also be selected in the others. You assign a window to a group using the colored links in the top right of a window's title bar. To do so, please take the steps outlined below.

  1. Click the "chain link" icon in the top right of a window's title bar and select a colored number from the drop down list.

  2. For windows that you want to include in this group, select the same group number/color from the Group list.

    The color grouping linked panels in TWS.

All windows with the same color link are part of the same group. When you change ticker symbols on one of the group's "Source" windows, all destination windows in the group reflect the change.

A window can be part of only one group at a time, but if you open multiple windows you can link each to a different color group. For example, you could open three different Option Chain windows and assign a different group to each, and then link these windows to three separate quote pages.

The window's designation is displayed in a mouse-over tooltip when you hover over the Group icon. A window can be a:

  • Source - this is a controlling window and can only SEND instructions.

  • Destination - this is a receiving window, and can only RECEIVE instructions from a window with Source privileges.

  • Source / Destination - this is a multi-tasking window which can both send instructions to and receive instructions from other windows in the group.


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