Configure Features
Configure the TWS Features by taking the steps outlined below.
For Mosaic - Click the File menu in the top left corner.
For Classic TWS - Click the Edit menu in the top left corner.
Click Global Configuration.
Click Features in the left pane.

The Feature Selector groups features in categories and subcategories. To help you find what you're looking for, use the text Search box at the top of the window. The list is filtered to show only those features which include the text you've entered in their title. To clear the search and display all categories again, click the Clear icon that appears to the right of the Search box.
You may disable an entire category of features with a single click, or drill down to a specific feature within a group using the expand/collapse icon.
To disable/enable a feature using the Feature Selector, please take the steps outlined below.
Click to remove the checkmark next to a feature or a feature group.
Click the expand icon to drill down in a group.
You can also enable features from the menus.

The Feature Selector, accessible through the Configuration menu or by clicking the Configure icon on the toolbar, allows you to disable features you don't use. These disabled features are hidden from the menus and screens. You can now enable these features at any time without having to search for them within the Feature Selector by expanding the menu to show disabled features.
To enable a feature from its menu, please take the steps outlined below.
Click the double arrows at the bottom of the selected menu.
Disabled features now appear in the menu, highlighted in dark grey. Select the feature you want to use.
Click Yes to the question "Would you like to enable this feature now?"
The feature is enabled, and will become active if appropriate. For example, if you have an underlying selected and elect to enable Market Depth, the Market Depth window will open for the selected underlying after you click "Yes." If you don't have an underlying selected, the Market Depth feature will be enabled but will not open since it has no data to display.
Note: Menus which contain disabled features show a double "expand" arrow following the final menu command.
Additional Resources
Learn About Global Configuration in Trader Workstation at IBKR Campus