Configure Quote Monitor
Configure the Quote Monitor by taking the steps outlined below.
- From Global Configuration, click Trading Tools in the left pane.
Click Quote Monitor.
Use the right panel to set these parameters:

The Layout feature lets you create custom layouts that you can then apply to your trading pages. Use the Layout editor to identify which columns you want to display, where you want the columns to be in relation to each other, and the text and background colors used to convey trading information for a specific layout.
If you want to change the way your pages display but want them all to look the same, you can simply change the Default page layout. If you want to apply different layouts to specific pages or save the default settings, create a new layout by copying the Default, renaming and editing it. To configure this, please take the steps outlined below.
Select Other Layouts in the left pane, and then click the New button in the right pane.
Enter a name for the new page layout and click OK.
Click Edit to open the Page Layout editor.
Modify column visibility, column order, and text and background colors and click OK. The layout remains unused until you apply it to a page.

You can apply a layout to existing trading pages one page at a time, or to a new page when you create it. To do so, please take the steps outlined below.
In the left pane, select Trading Window and then Pages.
Choose the page on which you want to apply a layout.
In the Layout dropdown list, select the layout you want to apply.
Choose an order default strategy.
Click OK.
All pages use the Default layout and Default strategy until you specify otherwise.

The Layout feature lets you create custom layouts that you can then apply to your trading pages. Use the Layout editor to identify which columns you want to display, where you want the columns to be in relation to each other, and the text and background colors used to convey trading information for a specific layout.
If you want to change the way your pages display but want them all to look the same, you can simply change the Default page layout. If you want to apply different layouts to specific pages or save the default settings, create a new layout by copying the Default, renaming and editing it. To edit a page layout, please take the steps outlined below.
In the left pane, select the layout you want to edit.
Use the Market Data Columns and Order Columns tabs to Add or Remove fields.
Fields in the Market Data Columns page display along the TOP row of field headings on a Trading page. Fields in the Order Columns page display along the bottom row of fields headings. If you display the same field on both the Market Data and Order row pages, it appears as a single field like the Underlying, Exchange and Description fields above.
If desired, change text and background color using the Colors tab and click OK.
The layout remains unused until you apply it to a page.

You can choose to display or hide many of the columns on the trading page using the Layout manager in Global Configuration. To do so, please take the steps outlined below.
Right click and column heading on a trading page, and select Customize Layout.
Click the Market Data Columns tab to view columns.The columns already displayed on your trading window appear in the Shown Columns list on the left side of the page. The remaining columns are grouped by category in the Available Columns list to the right.
To display columns, select one from the Available Columns list and click the Add button to move the column into the Shown list.
To remove a column, select a column in the Shown Columns list and click the Remove button.
Column titles in bold are always visible and cannot be removed. Use the Filter field to help find the column you’re looking for, or click the Sort radio button to list all columns alphabetically.
For descriptions of data displayed in Market Data columns, see the Market Data Fields topic.

You can configure the text and background on individual columns in the trading window.
For price and size columns, you can turn off the dynamic coloring, which indicates upward movement in price or size in green and downward movement in red, by unchecking the Use Dynamic Colors box.
To configure columns, please take the steps outlined below.
Right click the column name and select Configure xyz Column.
If dynamic coloring is available, you can uncheck the feature if desired.
Modify the background and text color of the column using the Text and Background color-pickers. Click User Defaults to return to original TWS colors.
Alignment moves the data within the column.
Width controls the column size.

You can choose to display or hide many of the columns on the trading page using the Layout manager in Global Configuration. To do so, please take the steps outlined below.
Right click the field labels on a trading page, and select Customize Layout.
Click the Order Columns tab to view columns.The columns already displayed on your trading window appear in the Shown Columns list on the left side of the page. The remaining columns are grouped by category in the Available Columns list to the right.
To display columns, select one from the Available Columns list and click the Add button to move the column into the Shown list.
To remove a column, select a column in the Shown Columns list and click the Remove button.
Column titles in bold are always visible and cannot be removed. Use the Filter field to help find the column you’re looking for, or click the Sort radio button to list all columns alphabetically.
For a description of data displayed in Order columns, see the Order Management Fields topic.

You can reposition columns on a trading page by dragging and dropping a column into a new location. Since order management and market data columns are stacked, you will be asked if you want to move one of the columns, or both together. To do so, please take the steps outlined below.
Click your mouse on the column you want to move.
Holding the mouse key, drag the column left or right to its new position.
Release the mouse button.
In the confirmation message, select a single column, or elect to move both columns together.

You can modify the background and text color for specific columns and rows using the Layout Editor. To do so, please take the steps outlined below.
Click Trading Tools and then Trading Window in the left pane.
Select a layout (use Default to change the basic layout, click Other Layouts to find a custom layout you designed).
Click the Colors tab and elect to modify either the text or the background color.
You can modify text and/or background colors for the following items:
Ticker Row (text & background) - row that contains the market data for the product.
Up-tick (text only) - a tick that is moving up.
Down-tick (text only) - a tick that is on the decline.
Implied-tick (text only) - the implied tick for a combo order that is \simulated by adding the values of the legs, as opposed to market data which represents an actual order for the combo.
No auto-ex (text only) - for options, tells you that orders placed against this market will not execute electronically.
Alarm set (background) - tells you that this line has an alarm set against it.
Order Row (text & background) - the order row that is created when you click on a bid or ask price for a product.
Modified (background) - the background for orders that have been modified.
Selected modified (background) - the background for modified orders you have highlighted (to transmit or cancel, etc.)
Total Row (text & background) - the optional total rows displays in different color to help it standout.
Background Grid (background) - the background of the entire trading page grid.
Background Auction (background) - the background of an order row whose instrument is participating in an auction, and cannot be cancelled.

The Rapid Order Entry panel is one component of a trading page, and consequently its settings are managed through the Page Layout Manager. Any changes you make to the Rapid Order Entry settings are applied via that page's assigned page layout. If you have not created or applied page layouts to specific pages, all pages are controlled through the default page layout. The procedure below assumes some familiarity with the page layout manager. To modify this, please take the steps outlined below.
Click Trading Tools then Trading Window in the left pane.
Click the Rapid Order Entry tab to view the current settings.
Use the checkboxes, editable fields and Display Settings described in the table below to enable/disable features, set default values and select a default order type.
Click OK.
Note: You are making changes to a component of a page layout, not to a specific page. These changes will also be applied to all other pages using this layout.
Rapid Order Entry Settings
You can record hot key assignments for rapid order entry actions. Note that your standard hot keys (Buy, Sell etc) are not valid within the Rapid Order Entry panel.
Show - displays the Rapid Order Entry panel at the top of any pages using the layout.
Hide - hides the Rapid Order Entry panel at the top of any pages using the layout.
Contract type
Stocks - automatically configures the Rapid Order Entry panel to allow you to trade stocks. You will see the Display Settings list to the right from which you can select the fields you want to use.
Stocks/Options - automatically configures the Rapid Order Entry panel to allow you to trade stocks or options. You will see the Display Settings to the right from which you can select the fields you want to use.
Combos - automatically configures the Rapid Order Entry panel to allow you to create and trade combination and spread orders. The Display Settings list is not relevant to this layout.
Primary Exchange - enter the default routing exchange. We recommend using Smart to get the best execution.
Default size - set the default order size. You may edit the value in this field from the panel.
Default order type - sets the default order type. You may edit this value from the panel.
Request market data - controls whether you will see a line of market data above the order management line that is created when you transmit an order.
Save contract info - when checked, the information for the current instrument will remain after you transmit an order. Unchecked, all fields are cleared after you transmit an order.
Display Settings
Check any fields that you want to appear on the Rapid Order Entry panel.
Move up/move down - puts the checked fields in order. The order in which they appear in this list determines the order in which they will appear on the Rapid Order Entry panel, and the order in which the cursor will be inserted as you tab through the fields if Include in tab order is checked.
Include in tab order - this box must be checked or unchecked for each of the selected fields in the list. Checking instructs your cursor to land in that field as you tab through.
Additional Resources
Learn About Global Configuration in Trader Workstation at IBKR Campus