Display Orders by Filter Criteria


Although associated orders are visually linked by color and number Key, you may want to have only a single order family on the screen, or you may need to view a specific subset of orders based on other criteria, for example all orders for Client A, or all orders on underlying ABC. The Blotter provides two filtering strategies:

  • To filter out all orders except for one order family, the Key field for the relevant child order in the Orders panel. Click the child key again to clear the filter and show all order families.

  • To filter out all orders except those that meet other criteria, use the Filter panel to specify display criteria.

Find the Filter panel at the bottom of the Blotter window. Use these fields to filter by criteria other than a group of associated orders (the Key). Filtering criteria applies across order information in all panels, including the Tickets, Orders and Trades panels.

Display Orders by Filter Criteria in TWS.

To Use the Filter Panel

  1. Enter the filter criteria, such as a client name, underlying symbol or action, and hit Enter.

  2. To remove the filter and see all orders, click Clear Filter.

  3. Check Show completed orders to display any filled orders.


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