The FXTrader Trading Cell
The trading cell in FXTrader includes many helpful features, including color coding to distinguish between upward and downward price and size movement; a cancel icon to cancel all orders for the currency pair, quick access to the FXTrader configuration windows, quick-click to view inverted quotes, a message line to describe order details, a book icon with mouse-over information that displays when there is a price improvement opportunity for small orders, optional display of position and P&L information, and access to right-click TWS features from the Contract Label area.
Open FXTrader
From Mosaic - From the New Window drop down select FXTrader.
From Classic TWS - From the Trading Tools menu select FXTrader.
FXTrader displays populated with the most common FX pairs.
1 - FXTrader currency pairs emphasize the part of the price most important to fx traders, color coded to indicate whether the price is on the uptick (green) or downtick (red)
2 - Click to invert the quote display. Only the display is inverted; orders will still be created on the base currency.
3 - Volume is shown beneath the quote, along with an uptick/downtick indicator that changes color (green/orange) and direction (up/down)
4 - Click to transmit an order. Set FXTrader for Instantaneous Transmit using the checkbox at the top of the window.
5 - Orders are displayed in the trading cell below the currency quote, and also in the Orders panel above the FXTrader cells.
6 - Order Summary Line
There may be a little book icon in the bottom left corner of your currency cell. When displayed, the Book icon indicates that Ideal, the odd-lot small order book for FXTrader, has a better quote than what is displayed. Hold the mouse over the icon to see details about the improved quote.