General Configuration
Use the General Configuration page to set miscellaneous defaults such as automatic future rollover notification, audit trails and language settings.
To define general configuration settings, please take the steps outlined below.
For Mosaic - Click the File menu in the top left corner.
For Classic TWS - Click the Edit menu in the top left corner.
Click Global Configuration
Click General in the left pane

Keep application on top - Check to keep the trading screen on top of all other active windows.
Auto Roll Data for Expiring Futures Contracts - When checked, all futures data lines that are about to expire will be rolled to the lead month's futures contract. In addition, if you have orders on expiring contracts you will receive a message asking if you would like TWS to cancel those pending orders.
Create audit trail - When checked, you can elect to view a condensed or extended version of your audit trail, which includes all trade activity for your account. Find the Audit Trail command under the TWS Account menu.
Sort tables by clicking column headers - When checked, you can elect to sort the tables by clicking the column header.
Desktop notifications - Instruct TWS to notify you when an order fills or a new FYI is available using a subtle, transparent notification pop up in the bottom right corner of your screen. This notice opens on top of your open desktop applications and is visible for ten seconds, but it doesn’t take focus away from your current task. If you want more details on the event, simply click the pop-up to be taken into the FYI or orders section of the tool.
Once per completed order and FYI event - Displays when an order fills or when new IB FYI is available.
Each trade and FYI event separately - Includes partial fills or specific legs filled on combination orders.
Never - Will not notify for any order activity and will not display FYI events.
Display account number - For users who have multiple instances connected to different accounts, for example a production trading account and a paper account, check Display account number to show the number of the originating account.

Enter complete path to browser - Actions that require a browser will use your default browser unless you specify a different path here. Please note that any path or executable you enter here will not be checked, and if the application is compromised your system may be exposed to attack.

Current Language - Displays the current TWS language. Click Select to choose another language. Click OK, then log out of TWSand log back in to activate the language change.
Current Region - Displays the current region. Use the dropdown list to change the region. Click OK, then log out of TWSand log back in to activate the language change.

Enable keyboard entry on order lines - when checked, you can tab through an order line and modify field values without using your mouse. Each field becomes editable when you land in it, and the Enter key works like the left mouse click.
Additional Resources
Learn About Global Configuration in Trader Workstation at IBKR Campus