Open Risk Navigator


The Risk NavigatorSM shows your portfolio risk for multiple asset classes. To open this tool, please take the steps outlined below.

  1. For Mosaic - Click the New Window button in the top left corner and search for Risk Navigator. You may open one of the below listed options.

    • My Portfolio: This uses your actual live portfolio.

    • New What-If: Opens a new hypothetical test portfolio. You can elect to fill the what-if with a copy of your current portfolio, or start with a blank frame and add positions manually.

    • Saved What-If: Invokes the Open file dialog box to the default directory of saved what-if portfolios you may have created in the past.

    For Classic TWS - Click the Analytical Tools button across the top of the page and search Risk Navigator

    Search for risk navigator in TWS.

  2. If you don't see Risk Navigator in the list (in the Portfolio category), use the expand arrow at the bottom of the list to display this choice.

IBKR Risk Navigator report data refreshes automatically every 10 seconds, and immediately whenever an order executes, for all reports except the Measure by Price Change and Volatility Change. This report uses prices from the close of the previous business day and calculates market outcome risk by advancing the time parameter to the close of the next business day.

The Risk Navigator Allows you to

  • View and assess specific risk slices of your portfolio, such as risk by position, risk by underlying, and risk by industry.

  • View the greek contract and position risk dimensions for each report.

  • Assess Value at Risk and check Margin Sensitivity.

  • Measure your portfolio P&L (from close-to-close) by Price Change/Volatility Change, and measure exposure and the greek position dimensions by Underlying/Maturity.

  • Hypothetically modify your portfolio to test different risk scenarios before making actual changes.

  • Much more!


Additional Resources

Learn About Risk Navigator Tool in Trader Workstation at IBKR Campus

Visit the Trader Workstation Website