Option Portfolio
Use the Option Portfolio to select, analyze and trade combinations of options on any US stock or index to achieve the user-specified values of the Greeks, including delta, gamma, vega and theta, or to compare cost/P&L for a contract or combo you would like to acquire with a simulated portfolio.
Save the Option Portfolio query to Risk Navigator to have orders generated when risk-based alarms are triggered.

The Option Portfolio window runs off a sophisticated back-end algorithm that mathematically optimizes an options portfolio using the defining criteria and constraints that you enter, along with relevant economic criteria. To open the Option Portfolio window please take the steps outlined below.
For Mosaic - Click the New Window button in the top left corner and select Advanced Option Tools > Option Portfolio
For Classic TWS - Click the Trading Tools button across the top of the page and select Advanced Option Tools > Option Portfolio
If you don’t see Option Portfolio in the tools list, expand the hidden items using the arrow at the bottom of the menu.
The Option Portfolio window opens and you’re ready to define the query. To add a tab with another underlying to the Option Portfolio window, click the New Tab "+" icon.
The Option Portfolio algorithm works within the user-defined query constraints, and evaluates the comprehensive options market data (including bid and ask price and size) to minimize the sum of the following, and find the lowest cost solution:
Cost to execute, as represented by the bid/ask spread for each option in the Query Results list, specifically:
(ask - bid) x (contract multiplier) x quantity
summed over all orders in the Query Results list.
Commission charged to fully execute all orders in the Query Results list;
Cost to hold the Query Results list for a given period of time. This term is only relevant when the Hold until date is set to a value other then the current date. In this event, the holding cost is calculated as:
[(option value on “hold until” date) - (solution order price for the option)] x (contract multiplier) x (signed quantity)
summed over all orders in the Query Results list.
The algorithm continues to work and reevaluates the solution in the Query Results list every 30 seconds until the user submits the order group for execution, freezes the updates to evaluate the solution in more detail, or changes the query criteria.

Define the query by entering the quantity of the risk dimension you wish to acquire, and setting optional specifications such as time slicing and randomization, last trading day and strike range, and an underlying reference price range and Hold until date. You can also elect to create a Reference Portfolio and have the Option Portfolio query an optional portfolio with the same or better P&L. To do so, please take the steps outlined below.
Select the desired objective, i.e. Acquire 2000 Delta...
For the greeks, enter the position quantity you’d like to acquire.
The position quantity is equal to:
greek value x position x multiplier
For example, 20 long call options with a delta of .4989 would show a position Delta of approximately 1000. The position Delta calculation is:
.4989 x 20 x 100 = 997.8
Define any optional query parameters.
Add other constraints if needed (see Constrain the Query Results).
Submit the query by clicking the Submit Query button.
Optional Query Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Time-sliced orders | Select this option to acquire the total objective in smaller increments, with orders being submitted at user-defined time intervals of seconds, hours or minutes. |
Randomize time period by +/- 20% | When you check the Randomize time checkbox, the Option Portfolio randomly changes the user-defined time interval by any value up to as much as 20% in either direction. For example, an order with a time interval of 30 seconds might randomly be submitted at varying intervals of 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 35, 36 seconds. |
Randomize size by +/- 55% | When you check the Randomize size checkbox, the Option Portfolio randomly changes the user-defined size increment by any value up to as much as 55% in either direction. For example, an order using increments of 500 might randomly return orders with an objective anywhere from 275 up to 775. |
Range of Last Trading Days | Select the last trading day(s) you are willing to trade. |
Strike Range | Select the range of strikes you are willing to trade. |
Reference Price | By default, the midpoint of the bid/ask of the underlying price is used to calculate the objective. Enter a reference price if you prefer to use a value other than the midpoint of the underlying price. Note that an alternate reference price cannot be used if the Price between constraint is used. |
Hold until | Enter a date if you want to hold the solution in the Query Results list until a specific date. |
Long/Short options only | Checked by default. Constrains the solution to only include long or short option trades, as appropriate. For example, when buying or selling Delta, long options would be more appropriate to avoid the risk of being short options. The text will change based on the objective and signed quantity. When requesting short gamma, short vega or long theta, the text will read “short options only.” |
Allow underlying leg | Check to allow a stock leg in the proposed solution list. |
Note: To trigger the query from a Risk Navigator alarm, press the Risk Navigator button.

Option Portfolio allows you to constrain the query results in the risk dimensions other than the objective dimension. So, if your goal is to achieve a specific Gamma position, you will be able to constrain the resulting Delta, Vega and Theta. The algorithm imposes the following default constraints:
For example, the default Delta constraint ensures that the Gamma and Vega of the Query Results solution are positive.
To override the system defaults, enter a value in one or multiple input fields and click Submit Query.
Next: Evaluate the Solution

Freeze updates to the query to evaluate the solution, and use the IBKR Risk NavigatorSM to see how implementing the option portfolio will affect your current risk profile. To stop the algorithm from updating results, please take the steps outlined below.
Click Freeze Updates to keep the algorithm from reevaluating and displaying new solutions.
Note: The data will continue to tick but the Query List will remain unchanged.

You can view the risk summary for the proposed Option Portfolio solution list in the IBKR Risk Navigator, and add your existing portfolio to the What-if to see how acquired Greek risk dimension will affect your existing risk profile.
To view the solution list in Risk Navigator, please take the steps outlined below.
Click the Risk Navigator button to open a What-if scenario that contains the Query Results list.
The What-if is indicated by a red border around the portfolio, and is named “Option Portfolio.”
Select any Report or Measure to see the isolated risk profile for the list.
You can also view the proposed solution list integrated with your current portfolio risk profile. Simply add your portfolio to the What-if scenario from the Option Portfolio.
To add your portfolio to the What-if scenario, please take the steps outlined below.
From the Edit menu of the Risk Navigator, select Add From.
Your actual portfolio, named My Portfolio, is the default selection. Click OK. If you have created other portfolios, you may select another from the list.
The positions in your portfolio are added to the What-if scenario from the Option Portfolio solution list.
After you elect to Add your portfolio, the two sets of positions are summed in the new, integrated What-if Portfolio.
Additional Resources
Learn About Introduction to Options in Trader Workstation at IBKR Campus