Order Attribute Columns
Column Name | Description |
Marks the order as AON, to ensure the order will not execute unless/until the entire quantity is available. |
Block |
Mark your high-volume limit order as a block order. You may want to consider using ScaleTrader for large volume orders. |
If checked, Smart router will consider trade costs, including commissions, when deciding where to route your order. |
Hidden |
Check to create a hidden order. |
Hide Pennies |
For US Options orders in pennies, hides the pennies from the market. |
For Midpoint Match orders on the ISE Stock Exchange, select from two order types. A Standard order is entered as a market or limit order but is not displayed to the trading community. Standard orders support the Immediate or Cancel (IOC) order attribute. An SOI (Solicitation of Interest) order broadcasts the symbol to ISE MPM users. These orders have a minimum order quantity of 2000. |
Check to indicate that you will take all the risk for partially executed smart-routed spread orders. |
Allows you to create a one-cancels-all advanced order group without opening the Order Ticket window. |
Specifies whether the order is to open (or increase) a position, or close (or decrease) a position. |
Add Liquidity | If checked, this feature attempts to improve the price on the combo by providing liquidity on at least one leg of a two-legged combo by submitting one leg of a marketable combo one tick below the market for that leg. Leaving this feature enabled may result in the combo order not executing. |
Origin |
The client type from which the order originated. Mainly used for institutional accounts. |
Check to keep your order in the queue regardless of incurred exchange fees. |
Shareholder |
A tag used by large shareholders who trade Canadian products. |
Check to create a sweep-to-fill order. |
Use the dropdown list to select the soft dollar tier for the order. This field is only visible for accounts that have soft dollar functionality enabled. |
Displays a dropdown field with a list of all available Trigger Methods. This allows you to select a new method on a per-order basis. |