Order Sharing Modes


Depending on the sharing properties defined for your trading group, you may have permission to view and manage orders received by other traders as well as manage your own orders. You may be enabled for one of three possible modes:

  • Full sharing - this mode displays all orders for all traders in the Orders panel of your blotter. Display the Submitter field to see who last touched each order.

  • Login sharing - this mode requires you to log in to another user’s Blotter before you can access their orders. A separate tab is created for each login, and that users orders are displayed only on their tab.

  • No sharing - this mode only allows you to view and manage the orders you accepted or created.

To Display the Submitter Field

  1. In the Orders panel, right-click in the column headings and select Customize Layout.

    The orders panel customize layout menu in TWS

  2. Click the Order Columns tab, and in the Available Columns list expand the Status category.

  3. Select Submitter and use the “Add +” button to move the field to the Shown Columns list.

    The order columns tab add button in TWS.

    Note: Use the Up and Down arrows to position the location of the field relative to the other order fields.

To Log Into Another User's Blotter

  1. Right-click the My Blotter tab.

  2. Select Open Blotter for Another User, and enter the user’s IBKR username.

  3. Click OK. The other user’s interface opens under a new tab in your Blotter window.


Additional Resources

Learn About Trader Workstation at IBKR Campus

Visit the Trader Workstation Website