Performance Profile

The Performance Profile helps demonstrate the key performance characteristics of an option or complex option strategy.

It comprises:

  • An enhanced Quote Details window that shows the Return-to-Risk ratio, Profit Probability and the potential Max Return and Max Loss;

  • A Performance Graph that shows the P&L (or any of the Greeks) as a function of the underlying price;

  • The Scenarios window, which displays the effects of a change in underlying price on the P&L, the Greeks (either the Instrument Greeks or the Position Greeks) and the volatility of a position.

To Open the Performance Profile

You can open the option Performance Profile tool several ways:

  1. From Mosaic - From the New Window drop down select Performance Profile.

    From Classic TWS - From the Analytical Tools menu select Performance Profile.

    • You may also Right-click a strategy from the Portfolio or other tool and select Analytical Tools > Performance Profile.

    • From within the Order Entry panel for a strategy, set order parameters and click the Advanced icon. Click the Margin/Performance button and ensure that Performance Profile is checked.

    • Within the Strategy Builder, click the "Profile" button below the strategy.

Click the link to open the Performance Graph as its own window.

Notes on Performance Profile

  • Performance, P&L numbers and P&L chart are computed as of the earliest expiration date.

  • After nearest date leg expires, you might be exposed to losses exceeding shown Max Loss.

  • For multi-expiry combinations, Performance Profile values may vary within a potentially wide range that is not reflected by the clean lines in a graph. In extreme cases, driven by the volatility of its later-expiring legs, this may result in flipping of the sign (from + to – ) changing what appeared to be potential for profit to an actual loss.

In the example below, see how the potential for loss increases significantly when the first leg of a combination order expires.

In the first image, the two-legged combo shows a potential Max Loss of $411.00. In the third image, once the nearest expiration has expired, the potential Max Loss has increased to $2545.00. This is just one example. You may experience larger losses in extreme cases.

For more information on this topic, view our Trader's Academy Video.