Profit and Loss


You can see P&L on the trading screens and in the Account Window.

To Display Daily P&L

  1. Right click the P&L field.

  2. Check Include today's opening position in P&L calculation. The field label will read P&L.

To Display New Position P&L

  1. Right click the P&L field.

  2. Uncheck Include today's opening position in P&L calculation. The field heading will display P&L (N) to indicate it's for new positions only.

    The Profit and Loss column in TWS.

  • Position - Shows your position in the instrument.

  • Market Value - Equal to the position * market price.

  • Avg Price - The average price is calculated by dividing your cost (execution price + commission) by the quantity of your position. This value is then used to determine your unrealized P&L. Right-click the field name and select Configure Precision to specify additional decimal places that will display as superscript.

  • P&L - Shows your profit and loss for the current day. You can elect to show New Position P&L displayed as P&L (N) which shows P&L only for transactions executed today, or Daily P&L which includes all open positions.

  • Unrealized P&L - The difference between the current market value and the average price of your position.

Select "Display Both" from the right-click menu to show the unrealized P&L as both a value and a percentage of the initial investment.

  • Realized P&L - Shows your actual profit or loss on closed positions, which is the difference between your entry execution cost (execution price + commissions to open the position) and exit execution cost (execution price + commissions to close the position).

  • Cost Basis - (the current position x average price).

Daily P&L Calculation:

PositionNow * PriceNow - positionAtResetTime * priceAtResetTime + NetAmountTraded

  • For instruments that open and close the same day, ResetTime is five minutes before midnight in the time zone of the instrument.

  • For instruments that open today and close tomorrow (trade through midnight) Reset Time is five minutes before it opens for trading, in the time zone of the instrument.


Additional Resources

Learn About the Activity Monitor in Trader Workstation at IBKR Campus

Visit the Trader Workstation Website