Single Line Complex Positions


View spread and other complex multi-leg positions as a single line entry in your portfolio and in the Account Information window. The position will be identified by the named strategy (Calendar, Box etc) when applicable. View individual legs using the drill-down "+" sign next to the complex position title.

Single Line Complex Positions displays market value, avergae price and P&L for both the combo and its individual legs.

The Single Line Complex Positions in TWS.

  • You can see the net market value, average price, and realized/unrealized P&L for the position along with the value for each individual leg.

  • Complex positions that share a leg on different sides will not display as the two opposite legs will cancel each other out.

  • If you trade an option that effectively closes out one leg of a complex position, the complex position is dissolved and the remaining legs display as single option positions.

  • You can close out the entire complex multi-leg position using the right-click Trade>Close Selected Position command.

  • Several tools may not reflect this Complex Position display, including Rebalance, Option Rollover and Option Exercise.

  • This display is not supported in the API.

  • The trade Summary tab on the Activity panel will reflect a trade that closes the position for one leg. Hold your mouse over the trade for a description of the canceled trade in which the complex position is transferred to a single option trade (or group of trades if the position comprised more than two original legs).

  • To turn off the complex order display (and show only individual legs), from Global Configuration select Display>Ticker Row and then select Hide complex positions. To re-enable this display, select Group legs into complex positions.


Additional Resources

Learn About Basic Option Combinations in Trader Workstation at IBKR Campus

Visit the Trader Workstation Website