Upload a Portfolio


You can import your portfolio into IBKR Risk Navigator using a .csv Excel spreadsheet. Positions are imported into a hypothetical What-if. Once imported, you can create orders from the What-If to add the imported positions to your actual portfolio. You can also create a what-if and quickly populate it with your existing portfolio all from within the Risk Navigator.

To do so, please take the steps outlined below.

  1. Create an Excel Spreadsheet to Import

  2. Create a header row that contains the field headings. Field headings can be in any order. Valid header row field titles include (but are not limited to) the below:

    • Action - Buy, Sell

    • Quantity - 1, 100, etc.

    • Symbol - Underlying symbol

    • SecType - stk, opt, fut etc.

    • Exchange - SMART, NYSE etc

    • Currency

    • LastTradingDayOrContractMonth - 201506

    • Strike - 129, 56 etc

    • Right - Call, Put

    • DivPrt (dividend protected - for futures)

    • CUSIP

    • ISIN

  3. If a field header is invalid or misspelled, you will receive an import error. Please double-check that there are no typos in header names.

  4. For each position you want to import, create a single row of parameters. IF the position does not require a value, leave that cell blank.

  5. Ensure that field values match the field label in the header row. For example, don't put the symbol "IBKR" under the SecType field or the import will be rejected.

  6. Save the spreadsheet with a .csv extension, making note of where you save it.

To Import an Excel File into Risk Navigator

  1. From the Portfolio menu select Import.

  2. Navigate to the .csv file or enter the file name in the File Name field and click Open.

  3. The imported orders are opened in a new What-If portfolio.

    Note: Both Maintenance and Initial margin values are displayed for the portfolio in the Risk Dashboard. If you have multiple asset types, use the tabset to display risk for each type.


Additional Resources

Learn About Building a Portfolio in Risk Navigator TWS Tool at IBKR Campus

Visit the Trader Workstation Website