Consolidated / Snapshot Market Data

You may benefit from lower market data costs by paying only for the quotes you need with Snapshot Market Data requests. These single-use requests provide a real-time quote for a specific product, offering a more cost-effective way for clients to understand where the market is at the time of trade without paying for monthly streaming data subscriptions.

Single-use Snapshot Quotes are automatically enabled, meaning there is no need for any special subscription or sign-up. If you don't subscribe to real-time market data, you'll see the Snapshot button in the Order Entry panel when available for the selected asset. If you are subscribed to market data, you will see the Consolidated button. To use Consolidated / Snapshot Market Data:

  1. Navigate to the Order Entry Panel in the Mosaic Layout of TWS.

  2. Select the snapshot button or the consolidated button in the top right corner of the panel. This will be located below the ticker symbol.

  3. Once you have clicked this button, a quote will appear on your screen. This quote will remain visible until you close the window or move to another product.


Additional Information

  • Snapshot Market Data is typically used by traders who want to keep costs as low as possible and may only need to know the NBBO (National Best Bid and Offer) for a specific moment to make their trading decisions. Pricing for snapshot quotes is 0.01 USD (or the equivalent), capped at the price of the streaming subscription.

  • The quote shown is the price at the time of which you select the Snapshot button

  • Refreshing a quote constitutes another single snapshot request for data.


Learn About Mosaic Order Entry Panel in Trader Workstation at IBKR Campus

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