Top% Gainers
Contracts whose last trade price shows
the highest percent increase from the previous night's closing
Top% Losers
Contracts whose last trade price shows
the lowest percent increase from the previous night's closing
Most Active
Contracts with the highest trading volume
today, in terms of shares.
Not Open
Contracts that have not traded today.
Most Active($)
Contracts with the highest trading volume
in terms of dollar amount.
Most Active (Avg$)
Contracts with the highest average trading
volume in terms of dollar amount. The volume is averaged over
the past 90 days.
Contracts for which trading has been halted.
Hot Contracts by Price
Contracts where:
is highest in absolute value (positive or negative).
The avgDailyChange is defined as an exponential
moving average of the contract's (dailyClose-dailyOpen)
Exponential Moving Average calculation is: (price - close) / close / historicalVolatility30
Hot Contracts by Volume
Contracts where:
today'sVolume/avgDailyVolume is highest.
avgDailyVolume is a 30-day exponential moving
average of the contract's daily volume.
Top Trade Count
The top trade count during the day.
High Dividend Yield
Returns the top 750 US stocks with the
highest dividend per
share yield.
Top Trade Rate
Contracts with the highest number of trades
in the past 60 seconds (regardless of the sizes of those trades).
Displays the trades/minute field.
Top Price Range
The largest difference between today's
high and low, or yesterday's close if outside of today's range.
Hot by Price Range
The largest price range (from Top Price
Range calculation) over the volatility.
Top Volume Rate
The top volume rate per minute.
Top % Gainers Since Open
Shows contracts with the highest percent
price INCREASE between the last trade and opening prices.
Top % Losers Since Open
Shows contracts with the highest percent
price DECREASE between the last trade and opening prices.
Top Close-to-Open % Gainers
Shows contracts with the highest percent
price INCREASE between the previous close and today's opening
Top Close-to-Open % Losers
Shows contracts with the highest percent
price DECREASE between the previous close and today's opening
Highest Option Imp Vol*
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks
or indices) with the highest vega-weighted implied volatility
of near-the-money options with an expiration date in the next
two months.
Lowest Option Imp Vol*
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks
or indices) with the lowest vega-weighted implied volatility of
near-the-money options with an expiration date in the next two
Top Option Imp Vol % Gainers*
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks
or indices) with the largest percent gain between current implied
volatility and yesterday's closing value of the 15 minute average
of implied volatility.
Top Option Imp Vol % Losers*
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks
or indices) with the largest percent loss between current implied
volatility and yesterday's closing value of the 15 minute average
of implied volatility.
High Option Imp Vol Over
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks
or indices) with the largest divergence between implied and historical
Low Option Imp Vol Over
Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks
or indices) with the smallest divergence between implied and historical
Most Active by Opt Volume
Displays the most active contracts sorted
descending by options volume.
Most Active by Opt Open
Returns the top 50 underlying contracts
with the (highest number of outstanding call contracts) + (highest
number of outstanding put contracts)
High Opt Volume P/C Ratio
Put option volumes are divided by call
option volumes and the top underlying symbols with the highest
ratios are displayed.
Low Opt Volume P/C Ratio
Put option volumes are divided by call
option volumes and the top underlying symbols with the lowest
ratios are displayed.
High Option Open Interest
P/C Ratio
Returns the top 50 contracts with the
highest put/call
ratio of outstanding option contracts.
Low Option Open Interest
P/C Ratio
Returns the top 50 contracts with the
lowest put/call ratio
of outstanding option contracts.
Hot by Option Volume
Shows the top underlying contracts for
highest options volume over a 10-day average.
13-Week High
The highest price for the past 13 weeks.
13-Week Low
The lowest price for the past 13 weeks.
26-Week High
The highest price for the past 26 weeks.
26-Week Low
The lowest price for the past 26 weeks.
52-Week High
The highest price for the past 52 weeks.
52-Week Low
The lowest price for the past 52 weeks.
High Growth Rate (Reuters)
Returns the top 50 contracts with the
highest Earnings
Per Share growth rate. Note that a new field, Growth
Rate, is inserted after the Description field to display
the EPS per contract.
Low Growth Rate (Reuters)
Returns the top 50 contracts with the
lowest Earnings
Per Share growth rate. Note that a new field, Growth
Rate, is inserted after the Description field to display
the EPS per contract.
High P/E Ratio (Reuters)
Returns the top 50 contracts with the
highest Price to Earnings
ratio. Note that a new field, P/E
Ratio, is inserted after the Description field to display
the P/E ratio per contract.
Low P/E Ratio (Reuters)
Returns the top 50 contracts with the
lowest Price to Earnings
ratio. Note that a new field, P/E
Ratio, is inserted after the Description field to display
the P/E ratio per contract.
High Quick Ratio (Reuters)
Returns the top 50 contracts with the
highest "Quick"
ratio. Note that
a new field, Quick Ratio,
is inserted after the Description field to display the Quick Ratio
per contract.
Low Quick Ratio (Reuters)
Returns the top 50 contracts with the
lowest "Quick"
ratio. Note that
a new field, Quick Ratio,
is inserted after the Description field to display the Quick Ratio
per contract.
High Dividend Yield (Reuters)
Returns the top 50 contracts with the
highest dividend per
share yield. Note
that a new field, Div Per Share,
is inserted after the Description field to display the per share
dividend yield per contract.
Low Dividend Yield (Reuters)
Returns the top 50 contracts with the
lowest dividend per share
yield. Note that
a new field, Div Per Share,
is inserted after the Description field to display the per share
dividend yield per contract.
High Return on Equity (Reuters)
Returns the top 50 contracts with the
highest return on
equity. Note that a new field, Return
on Equity, is inserted after the Description field to display
the return on equity per contract.
Low Return on Equity (Reuters)
Returns the top 50 contracts with the
lowest return on
equity. Note that a new field, Return
on Equity, is inserted after the Description field to display
the return on equity per contract.
High Price/Book Ratio (Reuters)
Returns the top 50 contracts with the
highest price to
book value per share ratio. Note that a new field, Price/Book
Ratio, is inserted after the Description field to display
the return on equity per contract.
Low Price/Book Ratio
Returns the top 50 contracts with the
lowest price to
book value per share ratio. Note that a new field, Price/Book
Ratio, is inserted after the Description field to display
the return on equity per contract.
Market Statistics
Let's you see exchange-specific statistics
declining and unchanged issues
down, unchanged and total volumes
and TICK indicators
To use, select Market
Statistics from the Instruments list,
then select an exchange from the Location