13 week high
The highest price for the past 13 weeks.
13 week low
The lowest price for the past 13 weeks.
26 week high
The highest price for the past 26 weeks.
26 week low
The lowest price for the past 26 weeks.
52 week fraction |
Shows the (Last Price – 52 week low)/(52 week high – 52 week low). The closer the percentage is to 100%, the closer the current price is to the 52 week high. |
52 week high
The highest price for the past 52 weeks.
52 week low
The lowest price for the past 52 weeks.
Average Closing Volume |
The average closing trade volume for the past 90 days. |
Average Opening Volume |
The average opening trade volume for the past 90 days. |
Average Option Volume |
The average option volume for the past 90 days. |
Average Volume
The average daily trading volume over 90 days (multiply this value times 100).
Average Volume (%) |
The average daily trading volume over 90 days (multiply this value times 100) shown as a percentage. |
Close 182 Days Ago |
Shows the closing price as of the last trading date 182 calendar days ago. Mouse over the value to see actual date of the data. Value is adjusted for corporate actions. |
Close 273 Days Ago |
Shows the closing price as of the last trading date 273 calendar days ago. Mouse over the value to see actual date of the data. Value is adjusted for corporate actions. |
Close 30 Days Ago |
Shows the closing price as of the last trading date 30 calendar days ago. Mouse over the value to see actual date of the data. Value is adjusted for corporate actions. |
Close 60 Days Ago |
Shows the closing price as of the last trading date 60 calendar days ago. Mouse over the value to see actual date of the data. Value is adjusted for corporate actions. |
Close 91 Days Ago |
Shows the closing price as of the last trading date 91 calendar days ago. Mouse over the value to see actual date of the data. Value is adjusted for corporate actions. |
High price for the day for the selected contract.
Low price for the day for the selected contract.
Price - 1 week price percent change |
The percentage change in the company's stock price over the last week. |
Price - 4 week price percent change |
The percentage change in the company's stock price over the last 4 weeks. |
Price - 13 week price percent change |
The percentage change in the company's stock price over the last 13 weeks. |
Price - 52 week price percent change |
The percentage change in the company's stock price over the last 52 weeks. |
Price Range |
The price range change: (Max(High, Close) - Min (Low, Close)) |
Price Range/Avg |
Ratio of the price range (see above) divided by the historical volatility of the contract. |
Relative Volume
Requires a subscription to eSignal market data. Compares today’s volume with volume from the previous trading day. Indicator grows toward the right as today’s volume increases.
Relative Volume 3D
Requires a subscription to eSignal market data. Compares today’s volume with volume from the previous trading day. Indicator grows toward the right as today’s volume increases.
Short-Term Volume 10 Min |
The true volume over the past 10 minutes. Interpolation may be applied if necessary. |
Short-Term Volume 3 Min |
The true volume over the past 3 minutes. Interpolation may be applied if necessary. |
Short-Term Volume 5 Min |
The true volume over the past 5 minutes. Interpolation may be applied if necessary. |
Trades |
Trade count for the day. |
Trades/Min |
Trade count per minute. |
Trading volume for the day for the selected contract.
Volume ($) |
Trading volume for the day in USD. |
Volume Spinner
A graphic representation of volume activity, where a blue bar representing 10,000 shares moves across the field from left to right. The faster the bar moves the higher the trading volume. A temporary color change indicates that the last sale was greater than 10,000 shares.
Volume/Min |
Trading volume per minute. |
Y High
Requires a subscription to eSignal market data. The highest price from the previous trading day.
Y Low
Requires a subscription to eSignal market data. The lowest price from the previous trading day.
Y Volume
Requires a subscription to eSignal market data. The trading volume from the previous trading day.