Advisor Authorizations - Streamlined
Advisors can obtain specific authorization from a client to modify additional settings in the client account. These authorizations are listed under the Settings page. To navigate to this page, please take the steps outlined below.
Click the User menu (head and shoulders icon in the top right corner) > Settings > Account Configuration > Advisor Authorizations.
Authorization Levels and Specific Tasks

IBKR's basic advisor authorization model that allows professional and non-professional advisors to manage and trade client accounts. Advisors must fill out an IBKR application for a "master" account and provide either proof of registration or a basis for exemption. Clients will be notified to confirm enrollment and their participation in the program. Notifications will be sent to clients for changes that are processed on their behalf.
Core Authorizations (Task requires client approval)
Configuring fees
Enabling trading
Applying trading limits or restrictions
Linking client accounts
Closing client accounts

Offers a simplified process for clients to approve funding requests, sign agreements and confirm changes or instructions entered by the advisor. Communications from IBKR are aggregated, categorized and routed to the advisor to avoid unnecessary client contact.
Core Authorizations (Task requires client approval)
Configuring fees
Enabling trading
Applying trading limits or restrictions
Linking client accounts
Closing client accounts
Vote Shares and Make Elections Regarding Positions (Task requires client approval)
- Corporate Actions should be sent to the advisor, not the client.
Request to Send Electronic Notices, Confirmations and Account Statements only to Advisor (Task requires client approval)
Used by our Compliance department in the event that an advisor wants to control the email address used for the client account.
Update Account Information, Account Settings, Trading Permissions and Tax Forms (Task requires client approval)
- Change Account Info (Name & Address, Email, Phone Number, Legal Residence, Mailing address, Personal Info, Employment Info, Financial Information, Regulatory Information, Trading Objectives)
- Advisors may update email addresses of clients who meet one of the following conditions:
If the client is 2 factor authenticated.
If the client has access to the old email address of record.
- Advisors may update email addresses of clients who meet one of the following conditions:
Trading Configuration: Change trading permissions and products
Note: Clients must sign all applicable agreements for trading permission updates. For certain permissions, clients may only be able to sign by using IBKR Docusign or with a physical signature.
- Change account settings (Base Currency, Account Type)
- View and change account forms and tax forms.
- W8/W9 functions
- Change Investor Category (QIB, Accredited Investor, etc)
- Statement/Confirm Delivery Settings
- Market Data
- Market Data Subscriber Status
- Alert Notification
- Paper Trading Account
- Modify MIFID: only applicable to IB-UK & IB-IE clients
- Enroll Client in Non-US Dividend Tax Relief
- Change Account Info (Name & Address, Email, Phone Number, Legal Residence, Mailing address, Personal Info, Employment Info, Financial Information, Regulatory Information, Trading Objectives)
Special Programs and Alternative Investments (Task requires client approval)
- Hedge Fund Capital Introduction Program Agreement
- Enroll or un-enroll in the Stock Yield Enhancement Program
Provide or Change Banking and Transfer Instructions (Task requires client approval)
- Send messages to your Client Accounts
- View messages by Category: Action Needed, To Advisor, or To Client.
- Filter messages by: Representative, Category, Account, or Date
Click here for more information on Sub Account Messages.
Advisors can configure the specific features by selecting the Settings option under Streamlined and selecting which features they would like to authorize. Once the selections are made click the acknowledgment check box and then click the Save button.
Click here for more information on how to check the client approval status.
There are no third party payment authorizations in the Streamlined process.
Streamlined will be the default for eligible advisor applicants that meet the following criteria:
Professional Registered Advisor
Registered Hedge Fund Account's - Authorizations are only application to SMA accounts.

Advisors can perform certain administrative tasks on behalf of clients. Clients may use a simplified approval process for tasks requiring their approval instead of logging into Client Portal. Available authorizations are applied to all of an advisor's clients who are automatically enrolled during application. Once the advisor is enrolled, all eligible new clients will be enrolled during the account application process and cannot opt out of the program. Existing clients must sign an addendum for authorization to apply. Clients will be notified to confirm enrollment and their participation in the program. Notifications will be sent to clients for changes that are processed on their behalf.

Registered Advisors with at least USD 100 million* in assets under management, including:
SEC-registered advisors
CFTC-registered advisors who are also SEC or state-registered
Advisors registered outside the U.S.
*Registered advisors with accounts at IBIE must have EUR 50MM in assets under management.
*Registered advisors with accounts at IBUK must have GBP 50MM in assets under management.
The list below includes all tasks that an advisor can be authorized to perform in a client's account. For convenience, the list is organized by category and matches the actual authorization form.
Core Authorizations
Configuring fees
Enabling trading
Applying trading limits or restrictions
Linking client accounts
Closing client accounts
Vote Shares and Make Elections Regarding Positions
- Corporate Actions should be sent to the advisor, not the client.
- Proxy delivery and voting will be done by the advisor, not the client.
Request to Send Electronic Notices, Confirmations and Account Statements only to Advisor
Used by our Compliance department in the event that an advisor wants to control the email address used for the client account.
Update Account Information, Account Settings, Trading Permissions and Tax Forms
- Change Account Info (Name & Address, Email, Phone Number, Legal Residence, Mailing address, Personal Info, Employment Info, Financial Information, Regulatory Information, Trading objectives,
Trading Configuration: Change trading permissions and products
Note: Clients must sign all applicable agreements for trading permission updates. For certain permissions, clients may only be able to sign by using IBKR Docusign or with a physical signature.
- Change account settings (Base Currency, Account Type)
- View and change account forms and tax forms.
- W8/W9 functions
- Change Investor Category (QIB, Accredited Investor, etc)
- Statement/Confirm Delivery Settings
- Market Data
- Market Data Subscriber Status
- Alert Notification
- Paper Trading Account
Special Programs and Alternative Investments (Task requires client approval)
- Hedge Fund Capital Introduction Program Agreement
- Enroll or un-enroll in the Stock Yield Enhancement Program
Provide or Change Banking and Transfer Instructions (Task requires client approval)
- ACH deposit information
- ACH and wire withdrawal bank information
- Position instructions for ACATS and FOP inbound transfers
- Settlement instructions

Clients allow advisors to perform additional tasks on their behalf, including administrative tasks and the ability to move funds or assets to new places. Each client must enroll individually and select the powers they want to grant to the advisor. Advisors must maintain professional registration status. Clients must complete and submit an executed form. Certain authorizations may trigger an advisor to have custody over client funds. While IBKR will make every effort to notify clients of changes made by an advisor on their behalf, clients are encouraged to log into Client Portal to view updated account information and enrollments.
The list below includes all tasks that an advisor can be authorized to perform in a client's account. For convenience, the list is organized by category and matches the actual authorization form.
Core Authorizations
Configuring fees
Enabling trading
Applying trading limits or restrictions
Linking client accounts
Closing client accounts
Vote Shares and Make Elections Regarding Positions
- Corporate Actions should be sent to the advisor, not the client.
- Proxy delivery and voting will be done by the advisor, not the client.
Request to Send Electronic Notices, Confirmations and Account Statements only to Advisor
Used by our Compliance department in the event that an advisor wants to control the email address used for the client account.
Update Account Information, Account Settings, Trading Permissions and Tax Forms
- Change Account Info (Name & Address, Email, Phone Number, Legal Residence, Mailing address, Personal Info, Employment Info, Financial Information, Regulatory Information, Trading objectives,
Trading Configuration: Change trading permissions and products
Note: Clients must sign all applicable agreements for trading permission updates. For certain permissions, clients may only be able to sign by using IBKR Docusign or with a physical signature.
- Change account settings (Base Currency, Account Type)
- View and change account forms and tax forms.
- W8/W9 functions
- Change Investor Category (QIB, Accredited Investor, etc)
- Statement/Confirm Delivery Settings
- Market Data
- Market Data Subscriber Status
- Alert Notification
- Paper Trading Account
Special Programs and Alternative Investments
- Hedge Fund Capital Introduction Program Agreement
- Enroll or un-enroll in the Stock Yield Enhancement Program
Provide or Change Banking and Transfer Instructions
- ACH deposit information
- ACH and wire withdrawal bank information
- Position instructions for ACATS and FOP inbound transfers
- Settlement instructions
Send Third Party Payments and Wires
- Transmit payments or assets from the client account to third parties including wire transfers, ACH transfers and other transfers of funds or assets.
- Place limits on this authority by specifying a maximum amount and time period in months. For example, no more than $5,000 per 3 month period.

To make changes for a client, you may take the steps outlined below.
Click Menu in the top left corner > Contacts
Select the Client Account
Click the gear or pencil icon on the section where you need to make changes.
In order for an Advisor to make changes for a client, they must have the Account Information User Access Right selected. More information on UAR can be found here.
Additional Resources
Learn About the Advisor Portal Interface at IBKR Campus