Bond Tab
All bill, bond and note positions can be found on the Bond tab. The following reports are available for bonds:

The Risk by Position report displays risk measures calculated for each position, by underlying.
To view this report, please take the steps outlined below.
In the Report Viewer panel (bottom right corner), select the Report drop-down menu.
Select Risk by Position.
Use the Underlying and Measure lists to define your report criteria.
If you elect to view metrics for only a single underlying, the report will not display the Underlying column as shown above.
Use the Metrics menu to display available risk metrics.

The Risk by Issue Report sorts the bonds by issuer.
To view this report, please take the steps outlined below.
In the Report Viewer panel (bottom right corner), select the Report drop-down menu.
Select Risk by Issuer.

The Risk by Industry report sorts your portfolio by industry. This report displays values on all levels of detail, from individual positions to totals per industry sector.
To view this report, please take the steps outlined below.
In the Report Viewer panel (bottom right corner), select the Report drop-down menu.
Select Risk by Industry.
You can drill down several levels within an Industry category, and then drill down in the Underlying field for that category to see all underlyings in the industry, and then all derivatives of the underlying. To drill down to a deeper level of detail, click the plus "+" sign. A minus "-" sign indicates that you have drilled down to the deepest level of detail. Click the "-" sign to go up a level.
Use the Metrics menu to display available risk metrics.

The Risk by State report sorts municipal bonds by state.
To view this report, please take the steps outlined below.
In the Report Viewer panel (bottom right corner), select the Report drop-down menu.
Select Risk by State.
1 - Use the Metrics menu to add and remove bond metric fields from the report
2 - Check and click Trade to put orders for selected bonds onto the Quote Monitor
3 - Deselect the checkbox's to exclude a position from the Bond Portfolio Value plot.

The Risk by Country report sorts positions by country-related attributes that you specify from the Risk Navigator Settings menu.
To view this report, please take the steps outlined below.
In the Report Viewer panel (bottom right corner), select the Report drop-down menu.
Select Risk by Country.
1 - Select the Bond tab
2 - Specify Sorting. The available sorting options have been listed below.
Registration - This is the country where the bond was issued.
Issuer Domicile - The domicile of the bond issuer.
Parent Domicile - The domicile of the parent company of the bond issuer.
Ultimate Parent Domicile - The domicile of the ultimate parent company of the bond issuer.
Additional Resources
Learn About Risk Navigator Tool in Trader Workstation at IBKR Campus