Risk Scores


The Risk Scores tool is designed to help Advisors determine the most suitable investments for their clients, based on each client’s risk capacity, risk need and risk tolerance. This information is collected through the distribution of a custom-designed client questionnaire. By default, answers to questions are assigned a default Risk Score Value on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 indicating lowest risk and 5 indicating highest risk. You may modify the assigned value for any or all questions within a completed questionnaire using this default 1-5 scale, or you can modify the Risk Score Scale and reassign values based on your own scale. Advisors may view the scores through the Advisor Portal.

The tool comprises of these main functions:

Click Menu in the top left corner > Administration & Tools > Risk Scores


Additional Resources

Learn About Advisor Portal at IBKR Campus

Visit the IBKR Advisor Portal Website

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